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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Fish as in 'mass' ? :lol:

Hes in england now.. or he could be back ? I remember when he first got his licence back in the day.. he came round with this old holden and it was covered in star skate stickers ha.. he was funny that guy. Always trying to sell used skate shoes and shit.

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What part Mr Bastard ?


I just sore that "ban motorcycles' crap on the televison. they want to bad bikes because people do over 200km's per hour on em. sheesh, thats the fun off it aint it ?!

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Originally posted by bute

he got attacked by police dogs


Yea one morning a guy came upto us we know showing us his leg where the police dog bit him, they aint too friendly.

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Originally posted by MLTf4nt0m

your gonna be in my hood intangible? what part. cause rags was up in prescott or something. im about an hour and a half away with no transportation. itd be cool if ya boys hit me up and let me know so i can get some time off all the jobs in advance. hit up my aim or some shit. id like to know whats up.


sorry i didnt use a comma...ill be in rags hood not yours....unless well who knows whats your aim?

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man...no shit. this is boring. im a go hit up some street signs with some stickies, maybe take that can of runny ass dolalr store paint out. i need to go to the gas station for ciggarettes. might as well fuck around. ill be back later guys. im out for now. peace kids.

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Originally posted by bute

hey krie you wanna do that photo thing?


Yerp. Sounds good to me.


First day at my new job today. Its dope, i get free gatorades to drink through out the day, more $$$ then what my lost job payed me, plus i get a bonus each month around $100-150. If its been a busy month $150, if its been slow, $100. So ethier way im walking out with an extra $100 easy money each month.

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im not sure i understand your question completely

but if youre asking what i did today



1. went to work for a bit

2. went to the local car wrecking yard

3. worked on my one roommates car for a bit

4. hung out with some friends

5. here



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word, i got fat from working, :lol: theres a taco bell about 30 yards from my work. its all i ate for a long time.:( between work and the school i was attending i couldnt skate anymore, just didnt have the time. so i got fat from not burnin off the wieght.

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im outro


i have the pleasure of buying glasses tomorrow

because apparently if you dont remove your contacts from your eyeballs for 8 months,

your retinas swell up

and you get put in the contact lens abuser file


and your eye doctor wont sell you contact lenses due to ethics


so now i get glasses for a few months

then its off to laser eye surgery

so i wont have to put up with this bullshit anymore


stupid fucking eyes.

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