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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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whats going on all ?

everyopnes around at mine, best night, weve been laughing our ass's off, yes, i mean they laughed right off! at this kid, hes trashed fighting with everyone :lol: its fun stirrin up drunks.. i wish theyd all fuck off though so i can go to bed ha

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Re: yay


Originally posted by alure

haha.. i was in labor..when i posted last.. i guess i'm tough or something because i didnt even realize i was in hard labor... meaning i was contracting every 5 mins, and your supposed to go to the hospital. I didnt think it hurt that bad..then i called my midwife and she said to come in.. so i called up my girl to pick up me and my mom and thats when the contractions started getting really bad.. that they made me start crying.. and i ended up puking in the car the whole way there.. haha and by the time i got to the hospital my contractions were 3 mins apart.. the baby's father met me there and he was all nervous.. but everyone thought i was going to take forever so they all left to go eat breakfast, except my mom. Well i was in so much pain that i was screaming during my contractions and they kept on telling me that they were going to give me my medication and i kept on asking for it. Suddenly i felt like i had to take the biggest shit in the world, so i kept on ripping out my moniters and running to the bathroom haha but thats the baby coming. The nurse kept on telling me to breathe, cause i started hypervenitaling. Finally the doctor came in and was like "we are going to break your water" and she did. Then shes like "okay now your going to have to start pushing" i go "WHAT!!!!?? i want my epidural!$(*!$)(&!$)(&~!" and she's like "i'm sorry sweetie, you went so quick its too late right now we dont have time" i freaked out.. but i had no choice but to start pushing, the worst most painful feeling i ever had in my entire life, i was in so much pain i couldnt even cry and i screamed at the top my lungs. Finally he came out, and they were checking him out and the babies father had just gotten back from eatting!! He completely missed out on the whole entire thing, and everybody came inside. haha they were only gone for 30 mins and i had the baby. But my son is so beautiful, he has a head full of black hair, and right now his eyes are blue but i dont know if thats going to stay. Holy shit he is also 8 pounds and 3 oz and 21 inches long. NOONE KNEW i had that big of a baby in me, cause i looked so tiny haha. He is the greatest baby ever, when he's sleeping he just whimpers and is always making noises. I had gotten to the hospital at 8 and had the baby at 9:54 am. hahaha. Damn. I named him Connor Machai. ;]



thank GOD i never have to do that shit. congrats!

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I finished my community service off today, now i am just sitting around watching the televison killing time till i gotta go pick my parents up from the air port


Yourself ?

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me? im fine. i just realized my life is going really well, getting laid regularly, just got a job at U-HAUL which is cool because it has benifits.total awsomeness. also i just downloaded photoshop and im having so much fun learning how to use it and whatnot. I got situated in my apartment, away from parents and on my own at last. ive been writing and getting up almost every morning on my way to my new job since its about 30 miles from my apartment. also i started skate boarding again and learned some new tricks. i feel great. how was your little vacation from parents? i just realized its already tuesday and ragsoe never hit me up when he was in town. (im not sure if he still is in town, but if he is he hasnt called me, he was supposed to arrive on sat) this really sucks cause i bought a bunch of booze to chill with him and shit, i also got a hold of this guy that writes rags and he agreed to battle him for names. but he never called, so now i have tons of booze to drink causse i was never summned upon to get crunked. which means my life is ging EVEN better. man i sound like such a fruit. but im happy lately, been a long time since ive been truely happy. its awsome. when, how ya been sir? anybody heard from alure? i know shes probably buisy with the new member of the family, but i figure maybe someone has. when hit me up on aim. i gotta ask ya something, inf3ctionit3.later.

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thank you bute. seems as if you too are enjoying the simple things in life. its awsome. yes hospitals are fuckin cool, wether chain smoking or talking ot wierdos its all good. ha ha. im listening to skeletor vs. beastman by the good old boys from cky, i higly recomend downloading this, very amusing. ahhhhhhhhh. i want to go to work already. time needs to hurry the fuck up. i havent slept yet, having to much fun on photoshop fuckin around. i have no clue what im doing but its great. lol.

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Originally posted by MLTf4nt0m

allllllllllllluuuuuuuuuure. goddamn, that was a vivid description, i think we could done without the taking a shit part.:lol: thats a nice name too, sounds like hes a beutiful kid the way you described him.


hahahaha. BUT ITS SO TRUE!! it's not just me, ask any woman who has had a kid, especially natural. i guess i'm just used to chilling with alot of open people, who if i didnt tell them..they'd be asking me anyway. and even so i'm blunt and dont give a shit, plus it was really funny. i could describe how i'm feeling right now..but dont want to freak you out hahaha. in a censored way.. i feel like i've gone a few rounds in the boxing ring. i love the lil guy so much , i never knew i could love someone so much. he mostly just sleeps now, but even so he is alot of hard work, especially at night waking up every 2 hours and if he's not shitting he's spitting up or peeing or eatting. Its just like "whoa". he has jaundice right now, so i have a machine.. it's a blue light blanket that i have to wrap around him, so he's kinda yellow looking. suprisingly enough the baby's father has been coming aruond every day to kick it with his son. also being an 8 pound baby, he doesnt really look like a newborn and not only is he big but he is really strong he can already hold his head up. crazy.


anyway thanks all for saying congrats. i finally had time to take a peek and see whats going on. oh and can you believe it, i've been so sore, tired and busy with him.. that i havent even had a chance to smoke a cig, smoke, or drink a beer. haha i dont care either way.

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Originally posted by bute

there is almost zero edible products in the house.


:lol: I picked my folks up last night, mum was shocked by the amount of things that had gone off in the fridge.. "Cant you smell its off?" she said. To me it all just smelt the same ?

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