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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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When......when I come to Cali(L.A.) I will have to get in contact with you......I'd buy that Dart if you needed to sell it.....oh yeah,this is post number 4000.crazy.hahahaha.

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Originally posted by 455

When......when I come to Cali(L.A.) I will have to get in contact with you......I'd buy that Dart if you needed to sell it.....oh yeah,this is post number 4000.crazy.hahahaha.


word em up holmes.

i dunno i just bought it to fuck around with until i finish my truck

and the truck should be done by the end of january or february

i was thinking about givig the dart to a friend until he could get a car

but if not, id pass it your way

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yea so i get this call fro my mom tonite and shes all excited

appartently she gone all hollywood

she met this hollywood bigwig and they are going strong

she told me she was going to the arquette house tonite for the fathers birthday

how the fuck does my mom meet people like this im wondering

oh well good for her

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dam im bored

havent been around lately

today was fun... chillin at tha beach was good, the police decided to come in and have a say on some things.. but everyone just gave em shit back.. they arrested this one guy then pushed his head through the back windscreen.. quite a bit of blood from that


stupid cops

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Originally posted by When

yea so i get this call fro my mom tonite and shes all excited

appartently she gone all hollywood

she met this hollywood bigwig and they are going strong

she told me she was going to the arquette house tonite for the fathers birthday

how the fuck does my mom meet people like this im wondering

oh well good for her




this could be good for you....get hooked up to one of these things, get a few numbers and your set! but by reading your posts i dont think this would be your thing.


and by arquette you mean courtney cox's husband?

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http://www.rotten.com/library/imagery/subliminal/advertising/negotiator/negotiator.jpg'> The Negotiator


Starring Samuel L. Jackson and Kevin Spacey.


Together, our heros form the hot dog and donut motif, in which Mr. Jackson sports in his left hand a phallic pistol while Mr. Spacey arranges his thumb and forefinger to resemble a vagina.


Equally offensive is the word "nego" positioned over Jackson.

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oooooh yeah

weekend time, time to get boozey and find some ladddies


When: i finally found a bottle of Jagermiester at a store down the road from me! so its cooling in the freezer at this very moment

my mum said "oh i remember that stuff, i drank alot of that in holland"

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12000oz prophet... wow...


i got loaded tonight...

i'm playing in a band now, and we had practice tonight.. thast was where i started getting drunk... i figger that 's a sign that the band is going in the right directiojn...

also, joineing a saomewhat established band, after it's already been going for a bit is an entirely new experience for me... it's quite a bit of fun... not having to write songs, just learning the ones they already have... werd... good times...


and i know i haven;t been posting in here much, but i've had a total of 5 hours sleep since monday, so i'm feeling my nightowl status at the moment...


cheers owls, stay up...

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