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Everything posted by paranormio

  1. eh cant argue u got a point id just say im slightly pissed or can smell hypocrisy
  2. Does trump still have the border wall perk?
  3. cant wait i hope they add a ben shapiro themed pistol
  4. fuck outta here with that snowflake bs lmao. They annoy me because many treat trump like a god and justify anything he does no matter how bad. plus they like to say they have morals n shit but i mentioned that i supported blm one time on twitter (im half black) and i got berated with comments saying that im a "commie fascist" "blm are the real racist" while getting questionably racist shit said to me by them. also these r the ppl to say all lives matter yet justify geroge floyds death because of a crime he did a decade ago and saying Brianna Taylor deserved her death too, because her boyfriend shot first or wtf ever the story still isnt clear. there is just so much hypocrisy it is almost laughable His supporters think Biden is going to bring communist tyranny upon America when trump has more traits of a dictator. his supporters love loose gun restrictions yet trump said he has done more gun control than any other president like tf. An also idk how u guys feel abt this but trump is using a lot of fear mongering abt dems rigging elections and all this socialist bs. every hour i get more suspicious of this stop the count shit going on because the more I look into mail in voting the this seems like the norm of what would happen in circumstances like this. but what do i know im just a libtard Also i want to say im neither democrat or republican but lately republicans havent been in my favor
  5. niggas saying biden cheating when trump appointed a new usps guy b4 election and got all his supporters to rally at ballots
  6. I think thats a great idea tbh if u do a writer interview id like to see one with SIGH Edit: if hes even alive
  7. I dint take this pic but its from a good home movie abt benching its called sneak attack vol.1 its a good watch if u like shit from the golden days of benching
  8. tf u mean next level this is some next level shit: boob size<boob shape
  9. these pictures spilled store brand soda on my xbox controller
  10. yea u right we aint the smartest bunch around. im sitting here pissed off because i got in trouble for not picking up 3 days worth of dog shit like wtf
  11. u think its a good idea to brigade reddit to get ppl on here?
  12. thats cool n shit but i barely know anything abt voting lmfao
  13. sorry for the shit pictures but this spot is right next to a few stores and a daycare so we got the fuck out pretty quickly because we used bikes to get there. theres a FIBRO and DMV piece there but I forgot to get the pics. next time im there ill get everything
  14. i ont even care who wins because both fucken suck but i want to see trump lose because his supporters are fucken annoying and hes just a sore loser imo
  15. AEST nd SIGH practically got me into writing after I seen their pieces on that tall ass brige
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