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Everything posted by glorydays

  1. this might sound weird but water bath them put each one in a small plastic bag and boil them...you wont lose anything AND they will melt
  2. glorydays


    i feel it...i love skating dc cuz you wont feel a thing its both good and bad...it cushions you from bruising but then again, where the fuck is my board? and dc's are wild comfy for walking
  3. glorydays


    are you gonna skate them??
  4. glorydays


    @nicklesndimesyooooo those look fucking fresh DC's are mad comfy and theyre tanks you can't destroy them
  5. glorydays


    copping these next
  6. glorydays


    Thanks for this, bro When i say agenda, within this context, i mean a certain means to a specific goal. The context i'm speaking of is the fact that lobbyists and those with "means" are able to influence law makers to create laws that favor the rich. Capital gains tax laws are a good example. This allows men like Jeff Bezos to not pay a cent in taxes while still making 74 billion within 3 months. Most marijuana laws are influenced by pharmaceutical companies. Trans bathroom laws are influenced by "conservative think tanks" which are really fronts for rich conservatives to push wedge issues. And the compromise you speak, and it definitely is compromise, cannot exist outside governance. You said, "...."Shoving in a certain direction" is happening regardless of law, market factors, the masses' will, etc....." Then why does any of this matter? Why are people angry? if nature shoves us in a direction anyway, then why are the rich buying laws and lobbying politicians? I'm not advocating for a lawless society, but to keep capitalism and lawmaking from touching. The same way i want christianity away from politics. It's not fair that a small group of super rich are able to live in a society that they build around themselves using the money they made off the backs of their employees.
  7. glorydays


    that would assume that there is a "good" agenda to begin with. what is good for one group of people might be bad for another group. that would still create a friction that would end up with protests anyway. I stand by my sentiment that a law based on an agenda of any kind is a kind of societal shove into a certain direction
  8. glorydays


    laws are made by politicians who are paid by the rich so the laws are based on an agenda and the cops enforce the laws so the cops are basically a paramilitary for the rich there are no good cops if the cops uphold laws based on the rich
  9. glorydays


    @MercerI like you, bro....people think I'm unreasonable for hating cops but people forget why the black panthers were created. the black panthers were created to be their own police cuz regular police were corrupt predatory racists
  10. @JBchitwith the bullet wheels lmao
  11. i skeeted on my boss' desk breh breh.
  12. @Jokeryou're right I was getting frustrated concentrating on simples and i was losing it in the repetition I am def going to try blockbusters
  13. @Jokerbro.....I am completely lost I've been trying my damndest to follow what you say but I'm starting to get confused on how to approach these letters.
  14. @Boris The Butcher if aquaman had a trident in one hand and his other fist up batman's ass, how would you fight him
  15. yes, thank you the 'S' on the last example was a bitch to recreate
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