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Everything posted by glorydays

  1. here in cali, we invest in rubber bullets mixed with our home defense ammo
  2. Do you swage also? Bullets from scratch? I have a friend teaching me how to swage lead myself.
  3. would you get one, yourself? Cali is just now embracing non-gas AR style rifles for sale, i hoping that the state changes it's mind about the definition of a "pistol". I'd like to get a PDW. @misteravendo you load your own rounds??
  4. i've been noticing that personal defense weapons (PDWs) are becoming all the rage ridiculously cool looking weapons...coupled with the new caliber du jour: 300 blackout
  5. and yea...i just push now a days and bro, even pushing fucks up your board quick my last board i just cruised and goddamn, hairline cracks at the trucks you don't need to do tricks to fuck your board up
  6. i've been rocking shorty's gear since 2003...black magic grip is like, the least harshest grip i've ever used i used both jessup and mob...both were designed for major grip, but how much grip do you need really all they do is fuck up your shoes black magic is like a finer grip...my grip will wear out faster tho, that's the down side
  7. you're good, bro this is gonna sound weird...i use black magic grip from shorty's
  8. 139...i ususally ride between 7.75 to 8.1 and 139's usually fit for me
  9. indie silvers, but i replaced the bushings with doh doh's reds
  10. @NightmareOnElmStreet But the assumption was still there, from what i read in your story. You weren't born knowing those generalizations as much as those "nigerians" were born into a pre-built hierarchy that keeps them lower than everyone else financially. I'm just saying that, because the mistrust is there from the beginning, its already assumed that they are crooked whether or not theyre crooks at all.
  11. Im actually hyped as fuck on this flick
  12. Show off your whips I'm so proud of my new board I just built
  13. @NightmareOnElmStreet you said you wanted a serious discussion, so i'm going to hit you with a leftist 1, 2 motherfucker LOL the tech stuff is for @Dirty_habiT, but i think i can discuss with you the other stuff. Most of today's fear of minorities comes from a misplaced anger and fear of the future and alienation in late-stage capitalism. This sentence might make this next few parts sound like its boring but I promise that it won't. The only people who seem fulfilled in today's economy are those lucky enough to be employed in a job that the genuinely love. The reciprocation of the job back to the person doing the work is there, therefore the work doesn't seem tedious or boring or just down-right soul sucking. The alienation come when a person uses his labor for activity that has nothing to do with hisself as an individual or fulfilling his own intention, desires, or goals. The work you do and the fact that you are part of a machine that cranks out disposable products makes the work you do and you, yourself, a COMMODITY. You have value only as long as you are able to put out work. Wage-slavery is a real thing, and make no mistake, it's not only relegated to minimum wage work. All salaried work is wage slavery, due to the fact that everything that this economy pumps out is quick, easy, relatively cheap, and, most importantly, disposable. Even the media we consume is disposable. We don't even fucking own it. We subscribe to our shit now on a monthly paying basis. The movies that netflix puts out? The movies amazon puts out? Disney fucking plus? We can't even go to the theaters any more, fucking literally. All of the media we consume, even beyond the user provided content of youtube, is all fucking garbage. We own nothing. What does that have to do with racism? Well, combining the fact that we, ourselves, are treated as objects within our own country, garbage media, garbage stuff, everything is debt, we own nothing til it's paid off, and that most of us will never be able to live our lives the way we want, you'd think that we'd rise up and kill our corporate overlords and bring balance back to the fucking force. NOPE. That's when the corporate sith lords use their force money to buy off politicians and create the one thing that keeps people from realizing that we are all slaves to capitalism. WEDGE ISSUES. Yes, wedge issues. Issues created by politicians to keep the poor and working class from working together. Wedge issues keep the poor and working class fighting amongst ourselves so that we can continue churning out garbage consumables and ALL THE FUCKING MONEY GOES TO THE SUPER RICH. Sorry, I get angry when I talk about how the rich take all the money. list of bullshit wedge issues: immigration - NO, immigrants aren't causing problems like low wages and jobs being taken away....the corporate overlords fire and lay people off and pay politicians to keep wages low racism - During the 1930's, people of color and the poor were blamed for many of the economic troubles that happened after the roaring 20's...the reality is, the rich didn't want the poor attacking them for taking government bailouts while the poor were left to fend for themselves, which is exactly what is happening today. police brutality - the police are the military arm of the rich and the politicians....but that's because the police are guided by laws made to keep the prison industrial complex alive and thriving universal healthcare - the 1% holding all the wealth don't want to be taxed, PERIOD. They don't want to pay taxes. there are people, for some reason, who are poor mind you, who protect the 1% from being taxed. that's my take on all this so far...it's just my opinion but these are things that i see and notice. Your worries that you are racist are valid, but come from DECADES of rich people propaganda that tell you that people of color are bad and will take all your money. NOONE is born racist.
  14. i would die laughing if this shit got the gas today
  15. kirby smith middle school in jacksonville florida there was a kid named Ra Sok. he's native american, and he loved to fucking stab kids. dude was fucking 14 years old and still in 8th grade. He had fucking facial hair and tats. he kept a fucking ice pick in his back pocket and if he didn't like you, he would shank you. He had this weird fondness over me cuz i looked like a fucking baby when i was 10 years old in middle school. I reminded him of his younger brother but then turn around and stab other kids. dude was a fucking psycho....i wonder if he died or went to prison.
  16. My first show i started watching on adult swim I've been watching cartoon network since 1995...i will never stop watching
  17. goddamn your movies take a minute to figure out
  18. those movies are hard to guess is anyone gonna provide the titles? here's mine...this movie was so fucking wrong
  19. OG surge was like viagra got tainted with meth
  20. they tasted like shit on god tho
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