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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. Chainstick Dragon belt Battle Dancing Invisibility Speak a little Japanese
  2. Bottom line is anyway, that it ain’t going away, but still the new new!
  3. I get your point but I don't think you need to be so defensive. You've inferred a huge amount of meaning into a simple statement of fact, which provided zero value judgement on anything at all. These things have to be tracked and noted for many reasons other than criticising the platform it refers to.
  4. This is how Churchill got around prohibition in the 30s.
  5. Backyard beastie - straya, bitch! Sitting in on a mates podcast about impeachment, chick doesn't come up so well in the pic but she was stunning Love me a Friday afternoon Bushfires Unorginality Bushfire sun (only meant to post one of them....) Terracotta storm trooper Gifts of gold Friday afternoon part II Backyard beastie II Red hot pokers, bitch!
  6. Hey mother fucker! Aint nothing lowly about infantrymen!!! Cream of the fucking crop right here, nurgs! Sheeeit...
  7. There was conscription after WWII though - Korea and Vietnam, for instance.
  8. Hua Guofang


    Yep. Never give up, just get up and start swinging again.
  9. I know looks really are everything, but that chick up there, second from the top is actually highly qualified and brilliant in her field. Probably would have been better studying dermatology, but hey, thems the breaks.
  10. Watching Jackass for the first time in forever and remembering how funny it actually was.
  11. Holy shit, Sydney Australia: http://collection.hht.net.au/firsthhtpictures/fullRecordPicture.jsp?recnoListAttr=recnoList&recno=31912 That's why he's such a fucking badass!
  12. Arrested for the sale of opium in 1925, not sure where but style of atire looks very American to me. Fucking badass pic on the right.
  13. I think there is a lot of truth to this, but I'd say that the US is still streaks ahead of all others. I think America's greatest weaknesses are internal (politics, society, etc.) and the best bet for the US to remain on top is to focus on itself and its strength in core values. Not to say that it should be isolationist, that's impossible in today's world for any country. But to re-evaluate where the nation is, where it wants to go and what is really important to its people in terms of values and interests.
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