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One Man Banned

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Everything posted by One Man Banned

  1. Interesting quote given who said it.
  2. They have to fix this image/posting thing, your text got....circumcised.
  3. Yeah, but maybe he's a twisted freak and sticks his dick in the pizza so she'll have a piece of him. Anyhow, I imagine you guys to be college age or above. Are you really like 16 and never had "real" pizza? All those chain pizzas like pizza hut, dominos, papa johns, it's all crap. The sauce doubles as a laxative and the shit is greasy as hell. I know this is blasphemy to some.
  4. Drinking now. My immediate thought, if I wanted nuts in my beer I'd have girls doing body shots of it from my cock. baxter-brewing-releasing-window-seat-coconut--L-3z
  5. Yeah man, like fuck your vitamin C!
  6. Just had pizza. You can't go wrong with eating pizza. On that Traitor Joe's pie- most of their food sucks in general. Read the labels, it's supposed to be healthy but is loaded with salt, sugar, and fat well beyond a healthy level.
  7. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/my-dad-the-pornographer/ar-AA91bBg
  8. You sound a little croutonophobic there, you may want to watch your mouth.
  9. Fake, manipulated, it's almost semantics not worth debating. They have 100 excuses for prices & profits to fit the situation at hand, at least when it's been in their favor. As far as the US screaming about anything, that hasn't really happened since the 60s. Americans are mostly complacent about things, and horribly misguided/misdirected when they are trying to speak out against something.
  10. Yeah, I've only been back into things for a few short weeks, so going for what I like most first. Not going to make myself disproportionate like with Popeye arms though either, lol. I'll add things in as I go, or maybe rotate some things in on other days once I've built up some strength and muscle tone.
  11. Hard to predict what will happen, no one expected to see gas at these prices again. As far as what it will cost in the future, whatever the companies and politicians want it to. The whole system is fake.
  12. ....?! People on 12oz respect each others opinions? Man, the site WAS upgraded! What feature did you use for that? Lol. But yeah, cool. Different strokes for different folks.
  13. What? Nick Diaz smokes weed?! Really, this is of no surprise to anybody. Dude probably shits stems and seeds. He might get the worse end of it because he's the UFC's I don't give a fuck bad boy, defies a lot of the rules and protocol, but fans want to see him. Silva can probably claim he was doing it to heal the leg. He should claim that, because it's not like he's put on muscle mass or anything.
  14. I'm not buying it, in any sense. I listened to a few tracks to find out who he was, like maybe there was good shit I could get into. I don't find his rhymes clever, amusing, or really anything of interest. And dude rhymes like he's on heroin or something. It's like you'd have to smoke wax and get stuck to listen to that.
  15. Just got access to a shitload of equipment, been doing crazy legs, you can call me rock steady. Really into different chest exercises too, some arms.
  16. Well now I can post mindless crap. It was all worth it.
  17. Hmm. Well, that time it worked. Well now I feel like one of these young whipper snappers with their flickering and instaham.
  18. IDK, just clicked image, put in a url ending in jpg and.... nothing. Guess I'm just retarded, or retahded for all you Massholes.
  19. Yes, like that. Now other than the fact that I'm retarded, why can't I do it??
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