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Back In 88

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Everything posted by Back In 88

  1. Now I've watched it about 40 times
  2. I tried not to laugh at this... Tried and failed
  3. http://www.flickr.com/photos/strayim/
  4. http://youtu.be/kf7pX2cvBOw 'Like he was chasin' that bucket of chicken' :lol:
  5. Cliff notes on the dead girl thing anyone?
  6. False I fly solo TPBM has got a lion in their pocket, they're lyin' they've got a nine and they're dyin' to cock it
  7. Good episode. Now Lori's dead Rick's gonna have to fight the governor and Merle for Andrea. I bet Carl was hoping Hershel would end so he could hone in on Beth Every thug needs a lady... RIP
  8. https://www.facebook.com/chlorida.stevens At first I thought she was taking the piss... Unfortunately this is real
  9. I often feel like I am outside of my body when I burn the weeds. Probably should get on this mellow hash ticket. Oh wait I live in Australia
  10. Re: Newly Discovered Bacteria turns Toxic Material into Pure Gold Apparently it rains diamonds on Mercury. Them be some alien type ET diamondz
  11. Re: Newly Discovered Bacteria turns Toxic Material into Pure Gold If they make heaps of gold it will all become worthless... How is this bacteria going to save humanity again?
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