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Dr. Scientist

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Everything posted by Dr. Scientist

  1. Tattoo guy: Hi, welcome to the shop. What can we do for you? Random whore: I'd like to get a tattoo of a shark on my ass, eating another shark whose mouth is also my asshole. Tattoo guy: Yeah, I think we can do that.
  2. Shuck and jive baby. . . get that white money!
  3. I know, I know. . . but it beats cleaning up piss all the time, and having my own bathroom smell like a public urinal.
  4. Only if they have the publishing rights. . . if they signed the rights over to the label, then they can't give you permission to use the song even if they wrote it. Wait. . . did you say a verbal agreement? I wouldn't worry, A verbal agreement is the best form of proof you can have when in court. Don't ever get anything in writing, it'll only hurt your case.
  5. Come on now, I'm talking about someone else ripping off you image and putting it out there for the world to use. By shitty band and shitty label I meant that I wasn't on Epic Records playing arenas with The Foo Fights. It was a label comparable in size and success to something like Epitaph Records. Took us to every major city in the U.S. and every major country in the rest of the world. Were we on MTV? No. . . did we get a gold record and a grammy? No. . . we got reviews in Alternative Press and Maximum Rock 'n Roll as Opposed to Rolling Stone and Hit Parade. Does a small band want as many people to get their music as possible. . . even if it's for free? That's a complicated question. It's yes and no. In order to tour, and sell T-Shirts (which is where the money is made) you need to have a booking agent. . . but no agent will represent you if you're not signed to a label, even a small, shitty one at that. And you wont play any real clubs unless you have good sound scans in those cities. Nothing is free at a label, if they lay out $50k to record and advertize, you don't make a cent until all of that is recouped. So, if people steal your music to the extent where the label doesn't make their $50k back, you're a bad investment and your contract wont be renewed, and you wont be able to have an agent book you shows. So you wont tour and sell shirts, etc. . . It's not as cut and dry as "I have lots of fans, I get lots of shows, I make lots of money". There's a hundred different angles that need to be played.
  6. Here's the answer, niggas are sleeping: Someone else go.
  7. Goes by both names, "The Rape Squad" and "Act of Vengeance". http://movies.netflix.com/Act_of_Vengeance http://movies.netflix.com/Switchblade_Sisters http://movies.netflix.com/Dirty_Mary_Crazy_Larry
  8. I'd totally take the dog, start walking it around the building, then punch the dude in the neck when one day he says to me "Oh, thank God man, you found my dog".
  9. Google it, you'll find the answers you seek. A Lawsuit was filed and it was settled out of court.
  10. The content is their product. If you put $10k into silk screening t-shirts for your new clothing line and I put $10k into recording an album, what's the difference? They're both monetary investments with the intent of getting your product out there to make a profit. If someone uploaded a high resolution file of your shirt artwork onto the internet so that people had the "choice" to download it and screen their own shirts resulting in the $10k stock pile of shirts in your warehouse becoming worthless you'd have a serious problem with that and you'd expect the copyright and trademark laws to protect you. It's the same thing.
  11. Lawsuit filed. . . then settled out of court. Two years? Stop tellin fibs. http://iplegalfreebies.wordpress.com/2012/01/11/fiat-pays-for-use-of-graffiti-mural-i-%E2%9D%A4-the-bronx-in-their-commercial/ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2090416/Jennifer-Lopez-slammed-Fiat-ad-AGAIN-anti-Iran-group-urges-end-endorsement.html http://blog.artistshousemusic.org/post/16083348186/fiat-pays-for-use-of-graffiti-mural-i-the-bronx-in
  12. Shitty band on a small label. . . still tons of work, and still living the dream in my head. P.S. Whores should never be paid.
  13. So I fail because while I played in a band I felt that after the months writing songs, then spending tens of thousand of dollars to record those songs, then the year on the road playing to promote the album. . . that people shouldn't be allowed to have it for free? Makes total sense. What about the VW commercial where J-Lo drove past from graffiti and the dude sued and won? That's a copyright issue, or is that different cause it's some graff and dance bull shit? So I can start screening 12oz shirts and selling them to tourists in times square? Everyone in here runs their mouth about how much of a baller they are but they can't even afford a $10 CD.
  14. I still don't get the mentality where someone is supposed to spend a great deal of time and money creating music or some sort of visual arts, and then they're supposed to turn around and just give it away for free.
  15. If I get up in the middle of the night I sit down on the toilet to take a piss. . . otherwise I'll piss all over the floor and I'm sick of cleaning it up.
  16. http://movies.netflix.com/The_Sentinel http://movies.netflix.com/Squirm http://movies.netflix.com/Deathdream http://movies.netflix.com/The_Initiation http://movies.netflix.com/Hell_Night
  17. Yes I'm an idiot and that's exactly what I meant, word for word. They were in the gym in front of 300 students, wearing full uniform, on their hands and knees crying into an American Flag with a bald eagle perched on their shoulder. I said up top that I didn't really know and was only going by what I see and hear in New York. The recruiters told my friends that their numbers were down, and blah blah blah. . . The staff and the recruiters spend a lot of time together talking shit, they're there a few days a week all year long. So I'm just telling you what I heard. . . . . . but I'll take CILONE's word for it. I trust that he knows more about it than I do.
  18. Judging by the way they're pulling kids out of high school in NYC and aggressively recruiting kids out on the street in front of Army "career centers" tells a completely different story. I have friends who work in the public school system that have recruiters beating their doors down, begging and crying, even offering border line bribes to get inside and get at those kids cause enrollment in the military is at a low point. . . .but hey, I never claimed to know everything. I'm just basing my opinion on what i see here in New York.
  19. Not really. . . me and my boys never start or pick fights with people. We mind our own business. . . so if someone wants to come and start shit with my friends to fulfill some urge to show off and look cool they deserve to get knocked out and pissed on. On a side note, you also have to look at the fact that enrollment numbers in the military are down. . . so the quality of solider is going to be down as well as they try to keep up the numbers they need to be effective.
  20. You must be confusing it with a position as a "used car salesman". . . it's a soldier, for a professional soldier to be effective in a war they must be re-programed to hold human life to a different standard. They must be desensitized to violence, the must be taught that killing is ok. Of all my friends who have been in the service, none of them ever told me a story about a drill sergeant yelling in their ear "kill the enemy, wipe out the evil and tyranny of this world, but be very gentle and as respectful as possible in the way you go about it". Fuck, if some dude started a fight with my boy on the street and my boy knocked him out I'd consider pissing on the guy while he's sprawled out on the floor. . . never mind someone trying to kill me and my "brothers" with every last fiber of their being. So in conclusion, I fully support their decision to piss on the bodies, I do not support their decision to film it and get caught out there.
  21. Boot camp is designed to break down your personalty and morals so you can be rebuilt as a killing machine. . . but the world is surprised if a soldier acts like an animal? Come on now.
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