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Soup forgot his password

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Everything posted by Soup forgot his password

  1. Re: kony 2012 Seeks: Everyone's just laughing at liberal guilt. I mean come on, a filmmaker claiming Facebook users can command the united states army by liking a viral youtube video?
  2. Draw something on this http://www.orderpizzafactory.net/images/job_application_page_1_t2sn.jpg
  3. Re: kony 2012 That's not kony that's levar burton.
  4. Re: kony 2012 Johnny Mad Dog 2008 > Kony 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nO_UVncU5Q 1. Be white 2. Feel white guilt 3. Imagine self in Uganda 4. Throw imaginary bags of rice 5. Shout "They're good here. Lets move on." to imaginary truck driver. 6. Go back to watching Cougar Town
  5. Re: kony 2012 That's the 50 million dollar question.
  6. Re: kony 2012 Im sorry I love you guys but LOL. Maybe if she reposts it her work gives her a 30% discount on free range swiss chard
  7. I don't see a breakdown of "management & general" on that page. $1,444,567 in one year, unaccounted for, between what they say is a small board of people. Explain that. I want Kony brought to justice so asshats like these guys stop cashing in on the hate fan club.
  8. http://www.npr.org/blogs/money/2012/03/02/147826043/the-friday-podcast-chinas-giant-pool-of-money And the housing crisis has been over. Housing prices are quick to fall, slow to rise. Just like gas prices are quick to rise slow to fall. The current economic turmoil is related to Greece lying about their deficit when they joined the EU.
  9. Hey man I've seen families torn apart by Facebook. Don't even joke about that. Im sorry not everybody's in love with every white person acting like a social activist on youtube. If this is the guy who broke your sad-uganda-story cherry, that says more about you than him. There's been TONS of news articles, movies, etc made on the subject for the last twenty years. A few years ago "Johnny Mad Dog" came out. Awesome movie. Point is this has been going on for decades, so where've you been? And lets talk about WHY he posted that video: He wants your money. He wants you to donate to HIS charitable organization, over all the other charitable organizations that provide aid to uganda. Now charity in america is big business. The guys who run that "dollar a day for a child in need" bullshit on tv live on giant estates in Liberia with servants and the whole nine. They aren't jesus dying on the cross for our sins. They're running companies, and like any company you as the consumer should be aware of the product you're buying into. In this case the product is a cure-all for the guilt of being in a higher class than other people. Normally I would use the term "white guilt" but really its "class guilt." You wish poor people didn't have poor people problems so you donate money to poor people. In this case you give money to a rich white person who promises to give that money to poor people, but is he really? You have to do the research on this guy's organization and make that call for yourself. Uh, because we suck at it? Has our liberation tactics for cuba (spanish american war), vietnam, afghanistan, iraq, and now iran been ANY indicator that we're not really cut out to be liberators of the world? What you need is someone to go over there and establish a fucking infrastructure, build roads, seaports, airports, ways of getting trade going in Uganda so that an economy can build and people would be able to work, make money, become more independent and less dependent on joining a group of midevil bandits who rape and pillage villages. What you need is for are private companies to take an interest in the area, set up some sweat shops and get these fuckers out of poverty. See, the way you change a far part of the world is by connecting them to your part of the world. Facebook doesn't do that. Economies do. American consumers caring about what happens to sweatshop workers in China only happened because we buy things made by them.
  10. Re: kony 2012 If that actually happened youtube will have jumped the shark.
  11. Facebook is the 2010 version of cocaine. Everyone on it thinks they can change the world, lucrative for the dealers, chicks are easy on it, and it's a huge fucking waste of time. Maybe Twitter was good in Egypt when they used it to know where to form up, but I think that's about it. They're just advertising platforms.
  12. Re: kony 2012 HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA Hey it was actually pretty epic in vail last week. /thingsyousayifyouwant12oztomakefunofyou
  13. You're either unionized or unemployed aren't you? I'm guessing the latter since you spelled maximize with an s. If you worked like normal people you'd know that the ONLY reason you have a job is to increase profits, not the other way around. If a company does well, you do well. If a company does NOT do well you do NOT do well. Now you're still missing my earlier point. CEOS WANT TO INCREASE PROFITS. THEY DONT WANT BADDLY DESIGNED CDO'S. SUBPRIME MORTGAGES TURNED OUT TO BE A BADDLY DESIGNED CDO THAT HURT THE COMPANY, THEREFOR SUBPRIME MORTGAGES NO LONGER EXIST. THE RULES YOU WANT TO CREATE ARE ALREADY INHERENT IN THE CURRENT FINANCIAL SYSTEM. And one more thing for you to think about. What you want is for the government to step in and control banks. They have that in china, and many economists blame china for the housing collapse in America. The chinese government can print all the money they want and did so to a tune of trillions of US dollars. Then they bought US debt and made it incredibly cheap for american banks to loan out money because of the chinese-caused inflation, which in turn caused the housing bubble, and the housing collapse. The reason why the economic crisis is seemingly over is because China has seemingly halted their inflation. /oversimplification for TLDR purposes
  14. Re: kony 2012 that was @ whatshisface on the last page. I didn't directly say "hey whats his face" because I thought that was pretty obvious.
  15. I just want to clarify a few things about the video: 1. That guy had NOTHING to do with Obama wanting to send troops into Uganda. He was talking about sending troops into Uganda before he was even elected. 2. Facebook is NOT EVER going to change ANYTHING in america. White people need to stop thinking that "liking" a video and spreading around a viral youtube flick is going to do anything. 3. Like I said in the channel Zero thread about the exact same thing, the word of the day here is QUALIFICATIONS. I don't see how an emo haircut dude that talks to everyone like we're the same age as his son is Qualified to lead the united states military into war against Ugandan rebels. I'm a liberal and I fucking HATE this when Bleeding Heart white people are stuck on this idea that the United States Government is a charity organization for the entire world. 3.5 I want genocidal lunatics dead as much as the next guy and as a red-blooded man I too have the urge to go leave the sanctuary for lazy white people that is "America" for the ass-backwards motherland of Africa. That doesn't mean I'm QUALIFIED to do so. Matter fact, strap up those kids with their matching team-building teeshirts and have them go kill Kony themselves. If their parents can afford college they can afford to buy Jake and Tiffany an AK and a plane ticket. They're up against a bunch of ten year olds. How hard could it be? I would like to think that they're qualified to civilize Uganda in some other way but from that video their skill set seems to be: wear uniforms, chant in unison. Sounds like an army to me. (half joking)
  16. Re: kony 2012 Another nerd who thinks they know me and I have no fucking clue who they are. Its more than just that. The keyword here is "Qualifications" Once again "QUALIFICATIONS." Say it twenty times more. The day an emo Facebook nerd with no qualifications orders the united states army into uganda is the day hell freezes over. http://www.illdoctrine.com/2010/10/why_im_afraid_of_christine_odo.html QUALIFICATIONS
  17. Re: kony 2012 You don't know how to come at me, do you?
  18. Re: kony 2012 It's really hard to join a cause when the leader sounds like a liberal moron with a faggy pop punk/emo new found glory haircut and has a bunch of white college kids standing around in matching band shirts yelling like they're making a change. I also hate his government reliance and ignorance to american politics.
  19. Both of my motorcycles don't run and instead of working on them I've been riding the bicycles. That's basically why this thread sank. I will contribute this story of my new neighbor. He lives in the building next to mine and between the two buildings he's got a tent that he keeps an old FXD with straight pipes and a R100. He rides the harley every morning and starts it up in the alley so it sounds like a sturgis assless chap convention in my fucking floorboards. One day he was having trouble starting it and started it with a wide open throttle. I was sleeping probably 15 feet from where his bike was. I wanted to fucking kill him and if it happens again I think I can plea insanity from the sleep deprivation. So moral of the story is, if you have your bike with straight pipes parked in a community garage or in an alleyway, back it out to the street before starting it or someone's going to take a power drill to your oil sump and laugh at you when you throw a rod.
  20. Really? You don't want math wizards working in financial institutions? Where would you have them work? Anywho I assume the "house of cards" analogy is referring to subprime lending since that's the nearest example I can think of in banking. Here's the thing about a house of cards: when it falls it takes everything with it. Subprime lending in the end fucked over the people who invented the thing just as much as everyone else. Im not talking about the CEO's with golden parachutes. I'm talking about the actual inventors who stare at computers most of their lives, crunching numbers, trying to make their bosses happy.
  21. Its more than just spilling into our country. THey buy their guns here. They buy their trucks here. They traffic people and sell stolen freight here. Im not talking about just drugs. Zetas and other mexican gangs are a little more organized and involved in higher rackets than the title "Mexican Drug War" implies. These guys hijack entire freight trucks of oil, drive them back into the states and sell them back to us for millions of dollars. Wachovia Bank's been sued by the United States for laundering billions of dollars for mexican cartels. The ole "Just legalize it." solution no longer applies.
  22. http://www.bikerumor.com/2012/02/14/road-bike-disc-brakes-are-coming-but-will-they-work/
  23. http://www.radiolab.org/2012/feb/20/ Been kindof bored with TAL lately so I switched to Radiolab this week. This one's all about escaping.
  24. Meet Marvin E. Quasniki http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL911FB5C14D83CB0A&feature=plcp
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