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Everything posted by nickfury

  1. i personally am that person who has no qualms about shitting anywhere..public restrooms an all..including busses trains and planes..yea im that nigga... My personal beef with bathrooms is that they allow sound to travel very well..nigga cant take a shit without hearing it that much louder...and so other nggas can hear it 2...FUCKing tiles....whose the genious who made this commonplace?
  2. damn id kill for a peice done by dondi..
  3. my prediction: graffitis going to evolve into this crazy cat and mouse game..where a writers writing random words each time instead of sticking to one..but then the vandalsquad will have the crayz algorithms to id niggas based on the stylistics of it.. but then in retaliationa ll the writers in teh world will start writing the same one word in teh same style....
  4. i wonder if we could use the same program to make it play against itself..
  5. this Mother bitch is starting to piss me off...with teh whole "I Correctly predicted you would throw _______"
  6. anyone witha 5+ difference in win to lose gets props in veteran mode of course
  7. u gotta reeverse reverse ur psych....or just randomly pic shit..not that anythings randdom
  8. im tieing this bitch nigga..fuck ur computterrrrrrr
  9. stolen from the nyc thread
  10. PC love it : cuz its cheap as fuc..can buy a new one when the old one breaks or gets outdate. windows seems more userfreindly to me than macs hate it: easily breakable. hate when it gets outdated so easily.. if it were for a prize id get a mac early twenties.
  11. donate 100,000 to charity for karma's sake, use the rest of the money to buy a building trhu which i can live and obtain rent from for the rest o fmy life.
  12. i dunno if my rents didnt know about food stamps but i remember as a kid paying for shit in stacks of pennies that my mom would give me...and always getting so much shit from store owners..making em umad...my parents were never home working their asses off too..and i had to take care of a my lil sis...being a lil kid my self.. its funny how u dont realize what kinda shitty situation u were in as a kid..../tangentoner...
  13. In an attempt to find some inner peace and control my anger issues, and since i cannot afford to live atop tibetian mountains with buddhist monks, I'm trying to teach myself to meditate. Does this shit work for any of y'all? I also i see that there are several types....anyone have any helpful suggestions/personal preferences/daily rituals. I realize this type of hippy shit is not for everyone, heres the obligatory
  14. i like the colors used. the hands..and the 3d..but seems like the letter structures kinnda wierd with the random thicknesses..
  15. octa the one below the filled in 3d is dope.
  16. around 1st grade...my teacher used to sell these for 5cents..id go up to buy one and took 2 intead..felt ridiculously guilty...havent done anything ever since.
  17. damn i needa learn howta blend shhit.
  18. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Stuyvesant_High_School_people thelonius monk..das rascist
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qvk8QvM2rss ghetto call of duty fight. IM FUCKING RYAN BIJO NIGGA!
  20. sleeps the cousin of death..................fuckinggggggggggggg mind consumming mmeeeeee.
  21. ok someone essplain the trailer...all that fantasy bs is figments of their crazy imaginations?
  22. my day consists of longer than 24hrs so...here we goooo... my boys rooftop in jerseyshitty day before the snowstorm woke up to this hah went out saw this cop car stuck.. people looked like zombies outside... owned. waited here for the rest of the night for 12+hours..hella umad....i was relatively early too ...2 days of cancelled greyhound ppl.
  23. one of my flics from yesterday fucking taxi was either in an explosion..or ransacked just found this flic on a friends facebook
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