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Everything posted by toluene_causes_tumors

  1. that balcony spot is dope but is that the tike/tyke from the bronx he writes both words
  2. yeah you're a fuckin pussy if you don't wanna fuck 12 year olds. fuckin pussies. :rolleyes:
  3. :lol: that must be awkward to be a 40 or 50 something yr old dude surfing porn and finding your daughter. must be even more awkward when that isn't awkward.
  4. this thread gives me a headache. electricretard.com is better.
  5. after a certain point caffeine becomes pretty unpleasant
  6. yo dont fuck with our woods we have coyotes
  7. recovering from using way too much bleach to clean my stove without opening a window
  8. big trouble in little china!!!! i would totally ruin my leg for that.
  9. lol photoshop look at the mirror then look at her where's her organs? she evolved so they are all in her ass cheeks.
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