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Everything posted by toluene_causes_tumors

  1. i have no idea whats going on and i dont care enough to find out. carry on.
  2. http://fiction.eserver.org/short/occurrence_at_owl_creek.html occurence at owl creek bridge...civil war. i think it was made into a twilight zone episode.
  3. the wall by sartre http://chabrieres.pagesperso-orange.fr/texts/sartre_thewall.html plato's allegory of the cave. not really a short story but still short and profound. http://webspace.ship.edu/cgboer/platoscave.html
  4. stop moning so loudly y'all can't take the PUNishment
  5. dog porn is still better than half the graffiti posted in the nyc thread. ZING!
  6. i personally like the first prize factory flick. shows how many walls are clean and for the takin'.
  7. bump mber and how many fucking people write cake?? wtf
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