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Everything posted by toluene_causes_tumors

  1. when i can't sleep i try to stay awake and i end up falling asleep. usually. or i take benadryl. which is apparently also a mild anti-psychotic?
  2. and that shit is hard im fuckin dehydrated
  3. fun but not old school
  4. you hate america! you're a terrorist!
  5. that bosom got me sprung good work superzooted
  6. reading things you don't understand is good for you. like pushups for your brain. or listening to music you don't like. it makes your appreciate the music you do like more. fuck instant gratification. live out in the country with many firearms and kill/grow your meals. not that i do that or anything.
  7. original batman for nes is cool looking for its time 1943 is challenging all on an emulator
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