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Everything posted by toluene_causes_tumors

  1. those are the only shots in that flickr with graffiti. that place is fun though, lots of weird degenerates around there.
  2. upstate's got some real shitholes..... arbor hill and the south end in albany look like bombs went off in the street
  3. take notes kids and stop saying nikka so much you sound like faggots
  4. Re: duck you autocorrect gross mom wtf
  5. i'd say wait to hit the weights until you've mastered using your own bodyweight. don't forget stretching. convict conditioning which someone mentioned is good. bodyweightculture.com and dragondoor.com have good info too. and these workouts usually don't require any equipment which saves money and means you don't have to deal with all the kinds of bullshit that come along with using a gym. best workouts i ever had were outside, and i worked at a gym for 3 years.
  6. i did a couple times. got bombed. i think the priests knew. i would also smoke pot every day on my break. being in a church at night alone stoned as shit is scary.
  7. i worked at a church in high school. they had un-consecrated wafers by the boxfull.. i ate many. so...
  8. this shit is good for you but kings hawaiian rolls are delicious
  9. nothing says hip hop more than the destruction of all jews. losers.
  10. yeah bro i totally beat my girl because im a fat, beer drinking, cured meat eating slob who hates niggers and muslims now pop out some kids for me bitch and if you die in the process i'll just replace you. STONE HER!!!!!!! :lol:
  11. graffiti sucks get that shit outta here
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