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Everything posted by toluene_causes_tumors

  1. this show reminds me of robotripping even though i stopped robotripping about 7 years before it came out
  2. i never noticed those palm trees and the INC next to cives.
  3. ugh someone post some fuckin titties or something
  4. i dont get the collegehumor one am i stupid? why does it smell like an asian supermarket in here?
  5. yo i like the full body pic more lol ride that water bed
  6. smash all\idontcareimsohornyallthetimeishouldtakeupherointosilencemyhormones
  7. then one day, he came home and killed his family and left. he never got caught. he moved to costa rica and married a young hooker and lived by the sea eating fruit and getting drunk.
  8. thanks for clarifying, sir! i'll just be on my merry fudgepacking way!
  9. uggggh these suck too. im out of juice.
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