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Everything posted by toluene_causes_tumors

  1. fill effects in this piece exemplify my favorite kind of fill effects. the good kind.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1_Ki0MKY20 gets you real strong and puts your heart rate through the roof. make sure you crap before you do this.
  3. "i must go now to appear in a burrito in mexico"
  4. i don't know why that's not working...weird. but is okae painting downstate now?
  5. haven't you all heard that skinny white girls are more important than everyone else
  6. and all the different santas would go up into my moms room on christmas eve to give her money
  7. 5 hour energy never did anything for me. espresso (black) is the way to go. cleans ya out real well too.
  8. hey i actually own leaves of grass and it's good
  9. if there's ghosts they would be everywhere. stacked several deep. and what about the mutilated or the retarded? would their ghosts be mutilated or retarded? is that who's laughing at me every time i take my clothes off? or is that schizophrenia? who are all of you? why are you in my house???
  10. brick slayers is full of 15 year olds, jocks, and has beens. i don't write anymore so i don't consider myself a writer anymore. moving on to more serious things. 0 is a good source for laughs, i like.
  11. thick girls look like they can handle the rigors of childbirth better so it might be a subconscious thing. with my experience they are much more passionate. maybe my experiences are really unfair and one sided i don't know. the skinny girls i have been with were all mean and frigid.
  12. the "curvy" one looks average fashion industry dominated by gay men behind the scenes if it was dominated by real farting, drinking, meat eating men, more female models would have jiggles
  13. 4 years old is really young that sucks. my gf's german shephard mix was 16 and his hip went with his control of his bodily functions. he was senile too. he would bark at his food. and the wall. louis ck has a funny/sad joke about getting a puppy...."AWWWW we're all gonna be really sad in a few years, right kids? awwwww." i'm thinking of getting a tortoise so i'll have a pet that lives as long as i do.
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