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Everything posted by substanceOVERhype

  1. none of those links work, negs alll around.
  2. Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station are you kidding? it was prolly a scenerio where he was first and then all the herbs heard he was involved and they all ran to home depot to buy their supplies and wheat pastes. they needed him , he didnt need them.
  3. Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station soup and lorem, shush. here in ny the hipster artfag has ruined the scene, so whereever you come from , your probably all excited to see the "rap spray art" but here that shit is a wasted opportunity when here in nyc their are plenty of the right peopke who could have made that underground shit historic, instead it turned into an outta town herb fest, that got dissed by its "peers" out of lack of respect. period, if you cant make it in nyc go back to tennesee. thats the hard truth, as shown in the photos you posted. No one will give a shit about this thing in a week except maybe you.
  4. that jee piece is simpler then the rest fot he wall, but theres more fundamental letter structure then the rest of the bottom row. thats the truth. sirum is dope, but theres things in his piece that dont make sense.
  5. Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station NOT Sane. Smith, and he and Revok where the only credible worth while people on that roster. and the reason it all may or may not have been dissed is because the place is like a maze, and its pitch black, no electricity and its not like one stretch of wall, its little caticomb areas all over the place. you could spend an hour walkin around and still miss things. or so im told:rolleyes:
  6. sometimes you gotta just let people touch the flame for themselves. to learn on their own. You ever try to describe the taste of sugar? You can act like you've done it, but unless you have.........
  7. Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station woulda been awesome had it been revz, ghost ja , sento, smith, giz , etc etc
  8. I forgot how to spell cuz i just spell sounds now until i see a red line under the word. then i just fiddle around and try to figure it out. and when that dont work i just google search the word, and it says "did you mean _____?" I love the future, i dont even know my moms phone number, just says "mom dukes cribbo" on my fone.
  9. Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station whats gay is all the herbs who where involved. revok and smith where the only worth while features. no one ever heard of the rest of the wheat paste gay brigade, and for that i have no remorse that they all got arrested for trying to publically floss their "street cred" ( Workhorse, in his late 30s, is a well-known street artist ) LOLZZZ WHO? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  10. vote..... for a bucket of green dicks.
  11. This season is horrible, last season was slowly downhill but THIS Season is all type of soap opera bullshit drama, crying, the run around in every episode and like gi joe, a plane blows up and a guy always flies out with a parachute.... wack, this shit was good first season.
  12. Df stands for Disquised Features. thats me in the pic, can i push df? :D
  13. i was the kid who got his hand cut off in the 80s
  14. Re: ---------------- The =Mr. TOTEM= TATS Cru - 3A - TGE - 7th thread ----------- 09'-til the colors on this last one are super loud. cant stop lookin at it.
  15. Re: ---------------- The =Mr. TOTEM= TATS Cru - 3A - TGE - 7th thread ----------- 09'-til is that a 004 in your piece? Damn dude, 004 is grabbin up all the dope writers now. Thats whats up. good shyt
  16. fuck DF. Im gnna hate on you all too. its the in thing. Fuck Yall Wiggaz -outty 5 thou.
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