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Everything posted by substanceOVERhype

  1. another person with some reasoning.... or an excuse. I cant tell.
  2. "were so far advanced we have our own power source post apocalypse, we got an underground base with a roll down gate front door, we got alchohol and plenty of food and beakers, but were so depressed because were the only ones who don't know if there's any other "survivors" left on Earth." AMC Story Matters.....
  3. yea man, it was bad, like so bad there wasnt even any stuff to clown on, asside from the scientist recording himself saying " I dont sleep much, cant tell if its day or night out down here" meanwhile he has cameras to see outside. but that asside, it was just zombie show on quaaludes.
  4. haters up top are UMAD cuz they the ones with the sour puss at a party. LOL MEG RYE-N LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
  5. im pretty sure, in time..... youll get over it.
  6. and the lead vato had me boarderline laughin the whole time cuz he looked like a gay younger brother of Ludacriss.
  7. nah, hes pretty fuckin lame for a sheriff, i'da been poppin dudes in every direction. n/h
  8. there is soo much dynamacism going on in this photo its almost illegal. you got guys lookin at kanye, girls lookin at knaye, girls reachin for his pocket, some other "guy" reachin for the chandelere symbol for jewels?? and all the lines focusing you to the center, KANYES SWEATER, or soul? lol pretty fuckin funny
  9. coincidence? That there's one alien movie after another for like a year str8? and tons more for the last couple years prior? its no secret they say the sole reason the gov. doesnt tell the people the truth is because "they wouldnt know how to handle it" and its also no secret that mass media is a way to sway public opinion or feed info to masses. Hollywood is just another tool to tell people what they want told. read between the lines. ha! have you seen this crackpot show on the History channel "Apocalypse PA"? when the hell would any network ever give a show to a person like this? and play it so heavily?? It's planting the seed of this notion. Also the same channel that shows "Ancient Aliens" over and over 20 x a week now. If you haven't noticed this shit, you are pretty ignorant, and probably won't be around when the phrase "only the strong survive" is actually put to the test.
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