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Everything posted by substanceOVERhype

  1. yea, but their money is as green as the rolling hills of South Carolina.
  2. Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station they catchin too fast. thats the internets faults
  3. Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station
  4. they shoulda paid the cast of jersey shore to be "walk on" zombies.
  5. yea, u just have to read them, in a cartoony picture form
  6. Travis.Logan Says: Wed, 11/17/2010 - 16:46 He is a very smart dick and is completely crazy enough to have this as his cover for future steriod use. Mark my words this may be the new loophole for gaining that unfair advantage in the most independent sport in the world. ^^^this, and when that happens it will be a sad day for the sport.
  7. theres also generators that make electricity. goin camping is one thing, staying out the city cuz its flooded with zombies is another, but im sayin, you cant go down into town, , get some hardware store shit? you got a guy acting like he has the last tool box on Earth.... trading a bolt cutter for hand guns. LOL Were stuck in the woods, RIP THE HOT ROD UP!!! WE CAN EAT THE UPHOLSTRY!!! But you guys love the show, my bad. for realz yo.
  8. Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station "we are alllll graffeetee writaz!"
  9. Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station youre too late, the Pabst Blue Ribbon has a msg board now where we all hang.
  10. Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station
  11. Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station "that was a good place to Wheat Paste. glad we did that, get the pics up on the URBAN BLOG now. " " I totally got dirty tho" "yea, glad we got that out the way, cant wait for the News article tho" "totally dude"
  12. Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station oh you right, 120z DIDNT start off as a magazine, bought buy writers. :rolleyes: my bad, it was alwawys just channel zero, hipsters made it what it is today, whatever THAT is. :lol: :lol: stay on topic.
  13. Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station yes, because I personally was buying the mags in the 90's If not for that stretch of strictly graffiti supported business it wouldnt have had the stepping stone to become what it is today. stay on topic.
  14. Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station devils advocate, 12 oz wouldn't be known if it wasn't for me (us). Either way, blogs are read. So it don't matter if you like'm or not, that argument is for another post. And sometimes people take more time to write on a topic then Im willing, but say what I feel. So its easier to copy and paste it then spend a night writing an essay on a subject.
  15. Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station thats very hipster and ironic of you. Would you have thought that way 3 years ago?
  16. Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station IHATEU is just mad cuz he hates people. LOL grow up. LOL
  17. Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station The Underbelly Truth Posted by Admin | Art, Tunnel, underbelly Below is an article I recently pulled from Host Eighteen's website and consider it to be one of the best write up's about the Underbelly Project. I hate to wear this hat again, but, well… I thought the whole street art thing pretty much died off but someone recently sent me a video about The Underbelly Project. As I watched the video I just thought, “OK this is corny”, which is expected when it comes to the street art scene but as I looked more into the project the more it became apparent that this wasn’t corny. It is actually an absurdly pretentious art stunt featuring mostly untalented and unknown “street artists” who have absolutely no business in a New York City train tunnel. It seems this bullshit was created by 2 guys, neither of which I ever heard of… from the New York Times: “Workhorse, in his late 30s, is a well-known street artist with gallery representation; PAC, younger by a decade, is less established but familiar (under a different name) to followers of urban-art blogs…” It seems being known by what is now called “urban-art” blogs is how street artists measure their mark. It makes sense since I believe most street artists stay off the street as much as possible and only use it as a vehicle to propel their art careers. This is probably why I never heard of most of these people, I don’t visit “urban-art” blogs, but I do often visit the streets of NYC, where I was born and still live. The guise of this project is that it is a figuratively (and literally, obviously) underground project for the sake of art, not for the public or buyers or the media. The NYT said; “Its debut might have been expected to draw critics, art dealers and auction-house representatives, not to mention hordes of young fans. But none of them were invited.” Yo hold up, how the fuck does the New York Times know all this shit? Oh they were given a guided tour, it was also given a large amount of blog coverage after I’m sure these people sent out a press release. Oh yeah I forgot to mention, they also created a site for the project where you can even sign up for their newsletter. Are you laughing yet? For a project that is supposed to be underground and unseen they certainly made sure everyone can see it. My beef with this project isn’t that they painted some shit in a tunnel and put it online for everyone to see, shit, you’re looking at my website where I do nearly the same thing. What is so wack about this is abortion is that it claims to be doing something brand new. I have been in plenty of tunnels in this city and I can tell you that people have been painting in them for 30 plus years. The fact that you have out-of-towners exploiting something that is held close to the heart by the people who did and still do participate in what these johnny-come-latelys are ultimately using as a marketing ploy is a kick in the balls. I have to say I am disappointed in the few people with actual creditability that participated in this circus. What the hell would make a real writer join this mess? You don’t know how to get into a tunnel on your own? I don’t get it. Someone break it down for me please! Update: It seems that a writer paid this “art show” a visit and dissed most of the work down there, writing shit like “the tunnels belong us”. Bravo to this person. I have also been told that a shit load of hipsters and street art fans (same shit) already found the site, a bunch of them getting arrested trying to enter the abandoned station. And check this, a few of these fools tried to get into the tunnel wearing keffiyehs and got rolled on pretty fast. Word? That was a good idea to you? Wearing some shit that the jumpy as hell NYPD considers terrorist apparel? I bet they were wearing Jerusalem cruisers too. Please leave my city already, please. via Host Eighteen Bravo Host 18.
  18. ghost hand ftw, cept, no he can't climb ladders now either. FUCKKKKKKKKKK
  19. Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station you speak of the obvious. nothing new, whats new is the band wagon late comers who want to jump on the street cred associated with the hard work that comes from being a real writer. you know as well as i do, these people dont care about their peers ( real writers ) opinions towards them because were not buying their art, so the next best thing to do is fool the buyers into thinking they have credible history. Which 9 times out of 10 they dont. We all know being a street artsist is trendy, because its an easily attainable title to have, all you have to do is perp alittle and you can fool the masses. No other style of art can be fooled. You cant say your an oil painter and not know how to use oils, you can't go to an audition for ballet dancers and just tell them you dance ballet, you cant show up at a plumbers job to fix a toilate and just tell them, "im a plumber". But if you want to be a "street artist" no one has to know shit other then the 30 photos you took of your silly wooden arrows thrown up over some telephone wires, or nifty stencil you made sprayed up next to a cop car somewhere. don't confuse bitterness with the truth. It's only bitter if it's disrespectful to you.
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