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Everything posted by substanceOVERhype

  1. Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station N'orlinz
  2. theres all kinds of wedging tools there, he could have easily grabbed it with his feet, pulled a tool box full of shit, and pried or wedged the cuffs to break. dumb inbread fag cuts his hand off and went to join in on the street side Zombie Rave.
  3. regained blood huh? LOLLLLLLLLLL I cant understand why he didnt like stick his hand in his pocket at least.
  4. KNOWING that zombies cant climb ladders, he knew he would be safe.
  5. hahaha, he sawed himself into a ladder and climbed down himself. hahahaha:lol: :lol:
  6. I was gnna say this but at the risk of being trolled by UMADDERY I kept it to myself. "You expect realness from a Zombie show GTFO"
  7. Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station LOL.
  8. give it up for the guy who cut off his hand when he coulda cut the hand cuff with the hack saw.
  10. Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station hide your hipsters, hide your tight pants and hide you wheat pastes. LOL
  11. Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station try another angle.
  12. Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station try another angle.
  13. Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station English sentence forming.... how does it work
  14. Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station acne close up and jewels. your priorites are perfect.
  15. Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station just so you dont get it twisted, the name of this thread is "gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station " why? because of the people involved. aside from the 2 i mentioned above, unfortunately they where greatly outnumbered by suckers.
  16. Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station blah blah blah wall of text. Here's another reality check for you to stick your head in the sand about, you on a GRAFFITI WEBISTE, so dont talk about they dont need revok or smith, cuz thats the only reason anyone is even wasting time talkin about this hipster fest. i have no idea how or why u even know the names of the rest of those involved, other then you must be a hipster art fag. seriously. trust me, the 2 seconds of promo they had on this is has already dried up and run its course. I really dont care, other then to talk shit about how stupid it was. I have nothing invested so there sno umadness to have, I feel bad they probably got revok and smith to go first and then all these suckers ran to be on the coat tails and be "down" this whole shit is like a watered down, step child idea of the revs pages, VERY watered down. and seriously tho, UMAD, I could care less, I like pokin fun at hipsters like you. for the record I STARTED writing graffiti in nyc in 1988, so fall back with the psych profile, your only makin yourself feel better out of ignorance.
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