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Everything posted by substanceOVERhype

  1. shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... please. the zombies will hear you.
  2. oh shush already. you spit retardness.
  3. rather look at them ques and vor then some herbs talkin about waves and already used names.
  4. for who, you? or other normal people who like "Original Series" stories to not seem like a 14 yr old wrote it. "uh oh, we sorta wrote our main character into a corner with this street scene, what should he do?" "how bout if the tank has a open door under it, so he can climb in and be safe from the Zombie Rave outside?" "Briliant" - thats what did happen.....
  5. " spitfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiire. "
  6. awww dont get mad spitty. LOLLLLL your show is still cool with its zombies. I hear next seasons they have vampires too. so you can get your twilight fix with your thriller fix all in one.
  7. AMC Story matters............. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  8. if youre trying to sell me on a story that is already fake as fuck , yea, i expect alittle bit of realness to happen everywhere else in the story plot. and seeing 500 zombies standing like a thriller video on a side street is a bit corny. and a tank with a bottom door open. LOL riiiiiiiiight. maybe nexy episode he will crawl into a bank vault thru an open window.
  9. I was really diggin the vibe of everything until he walked a horse into a random mid day zombie rave on a side block with NO OTHER ZOMBIES in sight other then the one he was walkin away from, only to crawl under a tank with a door open. zzzzzzzzzz if this show is gnna be all about "THOSE" kind of things happeneing, i wont be watchin much.
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