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Everything posted by substanceOVERhype

  1. to which was UNSTOPPABLE which was just like TRAINing day, with a TRAIN.
  2. or wait, I think it was MAGNUM FORCE or SUDDEN IMPACT
  3. Nah, youre thinking of the REPLACEMENTS with Gene Hackman.
  4. Or wait , was that EXPENDABLES, they where unstoppable. ( also with Bruce Willis)
  5. NO THAT WAS UNBREAKABLE, Samual L. Jackson and Bruce Willis.
  6. Ive never seen toys on POST's dick this hard, gotta be a new 12 oz record.
  7. LOLLLLLL this movie looks terrible, you couldnt pay me to go. LOLLL This is chess nigga this aint checkaz I got annoyed from that point on personally.
  8. say boogy boarding again, and google a picture of a wave. please, theres not enough in this thread.
  9. UNSTOPPABLE 2 Starring MADonna
  10. ok........ now its thread worthy. ALL ABOARD! MY DICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKK
  11. that bitch was a gold diggerr. and wanted some limelight. how the fuck you gnna marry up to a man who punches niggaz light bulbs out for work, and act like you gnna tell him " not tonight I got a headache?" fuck outta here. Mel Gibson on the other hand is obvious a drunken sailor in his old age, that guy is prolly elbow deep in a bottle of Jack right now somewhere with dried puke on his heather gray lawn mowing sunday afternoon sweatshirt. His bitch is a gold digger too, only difference is hes not fit to deny it respectably.
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