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Everything posted by substanceOVERhype

  1. all these damn alien movies every fuckin week now, theyre only warming us up to break the news about aliens to us so we dont freak out.
  2. photo shopped....... unless they started making pillers shaped like that to hold up roofs. idiots
  3. ive seen lamp posts and newspaper holders... so?
  4. can i get a request of the matt hughes "what happened" face after the doctor moved his jaw back into place? as soon as i saw it i thought online gif file. loll
  5. I dont see anyone growin weed in their back yards. that should answer your question.
  6. had the lemonade and the blue shit tonight. gross... ban this shit. im fuckin wrecked.
  7. so whats the concept of the zombies "life" span.... there "dead" but how long do they wander around until they fall over and just rot to puss? as functional bodies they have to some how be alive in the sense they can move and shit, obviously not enough or theyd be climbin' ladders and shit. but after they eat all the living shit wouldnt htey eventually fall over and not be able to go to raves in the big city?
  8. we got a trash can out front to toss your dirty money in. how we livin ova here yo.
  9. lolll, i seen niggaz in philly do a fillin with silver and outline it WITH silver. LOLL fuckin toys poppin shit bout ja, you hilarious phillip. u know that? go eat a cheez steak.
  10. yea cuz we in the bx dont ever do burners:rolleyes: after your done outlining your 5 foot tall tag come on thru fordham , we show you how to do a piece. lollllll
  11. "im keepin it REAL" with payless shoes on
  12. settle down deebo it wa sa joke, i just spoke to aks 2 hrs ago. hes fine.
  13. aks is makin my license plate right now in Green son..... who you?
  14. i would just set up the ill booby traps in the middle of the street with a boombox on an extension cord... woth maaad ammo on the second floor.. just plug in michael jacksons thriller, and watch zombies come out the woodwark, and just have target practice allday... when im tired of murkin zombies unplug the boombox. honeslty id be havin mad fun.
  15. Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station nah, u pretty much hit it on the head i think. although it wasnt JUST about how they told people. this overall was a watered down version of the revs pages, done by a bunch of hipsters no one ever heard of. unless you come from whatever small town these guys came from ala middle america. big fish small pond, go to big pond small fish situation..,, but this could have easily been done right had it been credible people, and word of mouth. the only reason this got blown out of proportion and cops involved was BECAUSE it was in the paper, some congressman or sgt. got ont he phone and said "this shit cant be goin on, i want some arrests, shut it down NOW" and then the trickle down effect happens within the department. if you live in ny this shit is obvious, thats why nyers dont do dumb public shit like this, this was the actions of n out of towner. it had its 5 minutes, now its old news. nigga we already tired of talkin about kanyes 50 trillion dollar rap video album. we talkin about conan obrian this week.
  16. yea, you have plenty of time to dig holes and set traps in the middle of the thriller video.
  17. Gasoline does not "break down" in a human lifetime, however: 1. You may notice issues if you have a tank full of gas purchased in winter and you start your car up in the summer, or vice versa, as oil companies modify their formulations for a consant viscocity at seasonal temperatures. 2. The most volatile parts of the gasoline may evaporate over a period of months, increasing the "gumminess" of the tank contents, but this isn't likely to cause issues you'd notice unless you fed your car a steady diet of old gasoline. 3. If the tank is not full, you may get water condensing in the tank at night and getting trapped under the gasoline. Since the fuel line draws from the bottom of the tank, this may result in water in your fuel line, which will present a problem. Other problems (like gasket shrinkage, battery charge, or fluid-levels dropping due to small leaks) are probably going to be bigger concerns. None of these issues would be noticable in Atlanta after only a few months.
  18. LOL, yea pass judgement based on an article written like 15 yrs ago. He's prolly smokin crack somewhere right now right? in a crack house:rolleyes: go do some ugly tall tags herb.
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