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Everything posted by where

  1. Yea just your everyday run of the mill macaque on a motorcycle attempted kidnapping, seen it once seen em all
  2. Idk looks like pron or some type of diy hood soap opera, either way i was left wanting more content
  3. Yea I did pickup at Five guys and the fucking manager wasn’t wearing a mask and all the other employees were, almost snapped a flick to post on their Twitter but then I figured it’s not my job to hold people accountable and make that time/emotional investment and that I’m only worried about my own accountability and that everything else will sort itself out.
  4. Pugs are cool. I guess it’s possible but not common
  5. Dogs actually cant catch it.
  6. Some states more than others, the 600 a month from the fed is set to run out on July 18th, but there will probably be another stimulus and funding of UI when congress is in session next week.
  7. Falun Gong aren’t stupid people, they’re very dedicated but I feel they share that trait with most Chinese. I work with/have worked with a decent amount of Chinese people in the event industry in Boston, I’ve met YoYo Ma a few times cause he and I both work with Harvard, obviously in different capacities lol, but he’s a politically ambiguous Chinese cultural icon and I like that more he reminded me a little of The FG people a little more more sensible but honestly all the other Chinese people over 30 I’ve met save one or two have completely drank the kool aid and are generally a bummer to be around because in my opinion they can’t see reality. I have a feeling covid will change this somewhat though. Out of curiosity what is your take on Xinjiang?
  8. At least we have that in common. I respect your perspective on this. Their sensationalism with The Epoch Times comes out of hopelessness. They normally have a protest going like 14 hours a day in the Boston Common, our central municipal park located a block away from Chinatown. I’ve talked with these people extensively, researched and just think it’s fucked up. Can you point to a few examples where they were damaging to US national security?
  9. Cool story bro, felt like I was there, 10/10 would read again
  10. Sounds like the CCP line, the Falun Gong have been heavily persecuted for the past 20 years, erased from the internet there and they categorize them as mentally ill and can have them involuntarily committed, which is where they are killed and their organs harvested. They’re literally qigong temples that run on donations instead of the memberships and in the late 90s the CCP was afraid they were a threat because some of their funding was foreign. I’m sorry but in the USA and I assume Australia that foreigners can give money to any non terrorist organizations without sweeping repercussions. These people aren’t terrorists and if we let China treat them as such it creates a massively dangerous precedent for the fates of persecuted people. They want Trump to help them cause they’re backed in a corner and their human rights are being trampled.
  11. Everyones talkin at me, I don’t understand a word they’re saying. WaaaAaaaaaaaaaaAAAAwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAaaaaa I’m goin where the sun keeps shining
  12. ^ 1 in hand 2 in the bush, prior proper preparation prevents painfully poor production
  13. Matter of perspective
  14. If ammonia and bleach make chlorine gas, and human urine decomposes into ammonia in 24 hours then you could make chlorine gas out of bleach and piss, tomorrow.
  15. I forgot about this, darkly interesting. If you listen to the lyrics of that Tiffany song it’s all satanic messages, I think we’re alone now = death of god. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were some heavy subliminal messages in there that could have some sort of hypnotic effect on these people.
  16. Meat tasting gamey comes from the animal eating acorns instead of corn or grass.
  17. I’m partial to Lea Perrins and a little s&p. I used to run a cheeseburger with a slice of apple on it as a brunch special and it was out of this world.
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