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Everything posted by where

  1. And this was way off the beaten path, shameful people, that pie is zoomed it wasn’t really safe for me to go grab it but maybe I should have. I like wasn’t bummed out tho I think it makes the water look better by contrast, working on the series “Del’s cups in nature.”
  2. They are a gonna make a the prosciutto with a the bear a
  3. That bitch was batshit she held on for 8 block, 8 blocks, usually manic shit, I’ve skitched buses a handful it’s liberating as fuck as a skating dude but always wear 501s unless I’m formal, I’ve never fell holding onto a bus but I did eat shit right in front of Sullivan square station in front of everyone, really glad I had jeans on
  4. You don’t have to post pics man, we believe you that happened
  5. You scalped me bro. King Phillips War was some next level brutality on both sides, incredibly interesting story.
  6. What’s the context on that. From what I remember in school they were allied with Britain in the war of 1812 and stopped Madison from taking Montreal. Imo Canada owed them a solid but treat them like garbage.
  7. They took it easy about my state. Probably would have said some shit about funny accents, but look who’s talking.
  8. I recently became the primary parent due to my ex getting involved in legal trouble, really the only way dads get custody these days. I went the route of giving my bm money without a court order but I documented the shit out of it. Shit ain’t easy, this been a long ass road of studio apartments and regular 50 mile drives after work to maintain my relationship with my daughter/limited nights out for me. At this point it’s not as exhausting as last few years dealing with these bloodsuckers and it’s kinda surreal to be on the other side.
  9. I was a damn builderrrrrr
  10. its So divided here, still love central tho
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