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Everything posted by where

  1. I didn’t want to be a dick, if I was a prejudice virtue signal hypebeast wanna be fuckboy then I would need pretty strong sedatives, so I guess Xanax is a lifesaver for the people who need it, no judgement
  2. Wait Alaska isn’t an island? not the US but I used to do my best to convince my coworkers that meatballs originally come from Meatball, Italy
  3. Just seent a NFL commercial where this bitch had a hare lip, center of the screen, just imagine the advertising meeting like how do we push inclusion and some genderless entity says facial reconstruction scars and ends up getting the Marlboro man award
  4. Xanax is quite possibly one of the most bullshit things ever constructed.
  5. I call those smooth criminals
  6. He killed himself cause he was about to get charged with hella rapes, he allegedly raped some dj chick then a ton of other accusations so he decided to quit the game between save checkpoints
  7. People that just get in their car after it snowed, driving around with a whole iceberg on the roof, man
  8. you know its a recession when they decide to bring back supermarket sweep
  9. Fo real its like my kid gets more shit in one Christmas than I did my whole fuckin childhood
  10. ^convicted of murder in a robbery, escaped 3 times, this was the last and he somehow mailed himself out of the prison in a crate fucking crazy. They caught him a year later in Canada
  11. There’s gotta be an equation that extrapolates the amount of literate people x region net access % x combined gdp. I’d “show my work” but the games to be sold not told like too short said, bitch.
  12. Guess I’m getting a hot tub
  13. Edward scissor hands but instead of scissors it’s blenders
  14. Isn’t that how smoothies are made?
  15. at the weed store lol lady put it in drive inside of reverse
  16. @DETOprops, you had really good lighting in your pics is it natural or artificial?
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