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Everything posted by CityonSMASH

  1. Re: Anual Peanut Butter/Vegemite/Nutella debate(aka P.B. rules, vegemite takes it in the a that was horrible to look at.
  2. its crazy seeing/reading peoples (positive) responses on pics of horrible tattoo's... the worst is when its the person who got it saying how happy they are:lol:
  3. Re: Drunk cop runs over 11 yr old girl, 2 officers charged in cover up, still found not gu of course he feels bad HE RAN OVER AND KILLED AN 11 YEAR OLD GIRL. prisons are full of people who feel ad, just to bad this pig will never see the inside of one.
  4. ya there dope, this track came out like a year ago but still rocks:
  5. ^^ this guy musta found a book on poo
  6. i heard jordan is going to move the bobcats to canada
  7. no soup they do not use those in the coast guard.
  8. the cadbury olympics were awesome when the theo huxtable bobsled team had john candy as there coach and they crashed and lost there countrys pride and elimination
  9. i have no idea what you mean, losing to a 2 games under 500 is completely acceptable for the second best team in the league.
  10. i can smell that dudes lemon pepper oregano stink dorito face from here and it disgusts me.
  11. http://www.muhaddith.org/quran.html#Dodownload
  12. Re: Tell me where to go an i'll take pictures... D.C.-PHILLY-NEW YORK. 02/19/10 thr 03/14/ Dc is one of the dopest downtown cities around, but pat that... have fun by yourself after dark:) KILLED.
  13. dude thats Bojangles son act like you know.
  14. Re: Anual Peanut Butter/Vegemite/Nutella debate(aka P.B. rules, vegemite takes it in the a all the italians would eat it where i grew up.
  15. this can be said time and time again by rich white ids that grew up in rich neighborhoods. and there so fucking annoying to talk around cause you cant use any slang without them making ironic jokes about it. shits comedy. reall niggaz know what real wiggerz arte and there are foolish wannabee tryhards. the rest of us just listen to rap music and dont dress like were on Dawsons Creek.
  16. is this seriously a thread about shitting? FAIL.
  17. Re: Anual Peanut Butter/Vegemite/Nutella debate(aka P.B. rules, vegemite takes it in the a its around. my dad used to eat that shit. it smells like burnt whatever you want. say oh, i dunno... burnt toast.
  18. Calgary? never heard of it.
  19. Re: Fucking Favorite Flickr Flicks bump the fuck outta this Huge.
  20. ya yer right, it would be much better on my lap.
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