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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. Eva..shes getting old. My kid and eva. Smokey was trying to bite at the flash my niece holding him back This is some real talk here. Probably too much to put out there, but i think we all use this to vent a bit. my niece is 14, (she will be 15 in may) and this baby is due to come within the next 11 days. its hard to swallow, no doubt. but its reality.im super worried. keep her in your thoughts please. her showing me the stuff she has, and letting me know what she needs. other niece hiding. father to be. (17) at least he's around. me feelin baby ..its a boy my kid kissin the belly. Smokey still trying to get the flash nephew. fucking with this frog said frog Smokey gettign frog. (honestly worried about how he will be around new baby) Time to go..say goodbye to Odie, he is probably peeing here. he always does. (i can see th guilt in his eyes) Get home, kid presents me with opportunity to go to New York Fuck it, im sending her. especially after this tip today
  2. really, driving through alleys is what i do. (this lil gem has been runnin for about 10 yrs?? the bin was recently turned away from the wall..exposing it) The fucking glare of this thing in the afternoon will blind you This has caused quite a stir recently. live "exotic dancers" in this moving box.I dont follow the news, but i believe it no longer in motion.I have yet to catch it in action Decided to stop at this one, since i ran the last one. Still in the process.. Trying to re-vamp Downtown. Putting up old landmarks. Neon Grave yard...from the outside Stopped by brother's house to see the fam, greeted by these. Odie and Smokey
  3. False. will never fall linto that "roommate" situation again. TPBM makes time for themselves.
  4. false.im an OG, therefore, Og toothbrush, just got a new one that i dig. TPBM cant start the morning w/o coffee. black coffee, no frills
  5. false. if i hurt you i did it intentionally. i live with no regrets. TPBM has already seen a train pass by today
  6. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear TTT, My closest friend of 20 yrs decided to enter the military16 yrs or so ago, i thought my world was ending, and was too coward to go to the airport with her as she was off to bootcamp. she is back in Vegas, and not active military now. things havent changed for us. I wish you and your friend the best during these times. Military makes some solid ass people. HAng in there. ps..your 12 oz friends may have to make due til then ;) >SM<
  7. look how fucking chill he looks in the second picture.
  8. false. but after what i just saw...possibly. TPBM thinks this is too much information to be shared.
  9. False, but ill bite yours....joke TPBM sleeps in the nude.
  10. SMdoubleXL


    If i built the kid a bike, this is what it would look like. :lol: she wants a cruiser. at this point its a money>time/patience
  11. False, eww TPBM is constantly misplacing their keys
  12. SMdoubleXL


    all apologies for not combing this thread for the question im about to ask.. disclaimer now: 1-dont know anything about bikes 2-have no patience to shop my kid is absolutely gung-ho over this bike we saw the other day priced around $470-500 Electra Coaster..whatever... of course we would need to ride together, so i will need to buy 2. worth it? Thx;)
  13. Chickenwings...im glad you caught some of that. nice post. As you see, i was w/o camera that night...for once
  14. false, Utah tpbm hasnt left the house today
  15. anything different than a lil arguement/soon to be street rumble going on in that 3rd picture, jbrsh?
  16. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear person of avoidance. I was hoping at the art show last night that I did not see you, even though I really wanted to. It would have made for an akward situation, because your friend admittied he had a lil thing for me, not knowing I was into you. I think this was the reason you ran like the wind. I did see you two take those two seats about 4 ft behind where I was standing, hoping to god you did not notice it was me. But if you did, did my ass look good at least? wondering, SM
  17. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! OH MY GOODNESS..today is the best day EVER. I just learned the dogs I had to relenquish to our local bassett hound rescue had finally been adopted, and were able to go together. The process took about 4 months. I am ever so grateful and wanted to share. I hope their new owners got the memo about Ed Earl and his damn red laser light, and that he like raw pumpkin around halloween =) I might actually be able to breath/sleep better now. I thought i was done crying about this, now i cant stop again. Life is good. I miss you guys Ed Earl Sassafrass
  18. amazed that i just sat thru 2:52 of...ummm..what was that?
  19. listening to silince for once, minus ringin in ears. scratching head over tonight.hmmmmm? hoping to get decent sleep tonight. wishing you all one as well.
  20. thats a nice flik^ slightly envious here
  21. funny, i had just made the statement "im white as rice on a paper plate in the snow"..but i think he has me beat^ that dog is awesome
  22. false TPBM is supersticious. happy friday the 13
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