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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. Up since 2:30a light rain falling. Birds now chirping
  2. I’m pretty sure today will be my last day of work. Lawyer called last night and will confirm today. I’m cool now but once I get there for my last shift, it’s going to take everything in me to not cry all fucking day. I’m ok with leaving the company it’s just the people. The bond with everyone has been unexpectedly strong. I’m absolutely heartbroken
  3. I’ll say ‘bless you’ everytime you sneeze-unless you don’t cover it then you can fuck off
  4. I saved a roll for him and smashed the rest.
  5. @morton posts are fucking art. I mean cmon! Look at those colors above. and them orange tray joints? Pshhhhhh.
  6. im def comfortable up in that corner. I was born and raised right here
  7. I have moved 25 times in my life so far. The majority have all been inside of Vegas. I don’t plant myself too deep or for too long. I can’t live the rest of my life like that tho. I need a more solid place to get comfortable
  8. Not necessarily Vegas but somewhere closer to my kid. I need 4 seasons. Away from people (for the most part). Utah is my birth state.
  9. ha. It ain’t that much . We got bought out last year by a big MSO. i have a move to plan for next year. I’ll tuck it away for that Thank you
  10. So I got the call on Thursday. My departure from the company will be soon. To recap-they (company) wants to settle my work comp case and in return I have to resign. (Company) agreed on the amount we (lawyer and I) set. the place gets more toxic by the day and I know it’s healthy for me to get out of there but FUCK it is going to tear my heart out leaving there for the last time. I have bonded with each and every worker there (minus our director of cultivation-she is a major contributor to the downfall of that place) My heart and soul have been nothing but dedicated to this place for the last four years. I know you’re not supposed to get attached to your work/work place but when you enter a business as a startup business it’s really hard not to. I finally told my manager and the director of operations (employees #2&#3). I didn’t want to blindside them. I am employee #5. (Employee #4 quit in January). Us 4 are very very tight. going to start officially applying for jobs this week. I have already been in touch with the hort school I attended and I can access their career development program for life. But damn-I’m gonna miss the fuck outta those people.
  11. These birds were swarming over my place. (From December) Ive never seen so many birds. You can hear the berries drop and I’m assuming poo, as well The grounds were covered in berries and poo. This went on for about 30 minutes IMG_3956.mov IMG_3961.mov IMG_3970.mov IMG_3971.mov
  12. True. I really just noticed the ‘ best by’ stamp above that message hahaha. Is it wierd that it looks like that 2025 is crossed out?
  13. They were overdue for a cut! You can tell they feel better with that cut. It’s not perfect but they tolerate it pretty good.
  14. We have a mouse same IS gonna get every last bit of peanut butter out of that lil kong these lil weeds or whatever have such a great fade went to the laundromat after physical therapy. 10 min bus ride each way. 55 minutes inside the laundromat. And all this is done bed made i dont like much on the walls where I sleep They couldn’t wait to get on the bed clothes hung donation pile made I’ll clean the kitchen later got these snacks at the family dollar next to the laundromat. Fridays are the days I allow myself a snack with a redbull. these are my favorite sweet snack the snack mix tastes old. I always forget to check the expire date at family dollar figures currently chillin. I wanted to get super baked and learn how to chill on this super weathery day. it’s rained, hailed and snowed already today. The dogs ready to sack out for a bit. Sam doin his manicure
  15. Yesterday was my Friday My stacking skills are amazing my clones are fire room is so full got home and saw a rainbow that appeared so low to the ground. I’ve never seen anything like it. View is from my back stairway which is third floor up. Rainbow is center of pic almost seems like a second rainbow above? But i watched and it never formed fully went down to the alley for a different view center of pic it’s been raining since Tuesday Pups cant go outside so they just daydream out the window. another rainbow Sam and his 8:30. That’s what we call it because at 8:30 his dad gives them their night time treat. But he starts buggin at about 8 today was laundry day and Sam is such a big help. And the one time he’s allowed to roll on the sheets is when they get changed out. IMG_5826.mov he also likes to help sort laundry IMG_5827.mov
  16. some of my clones from the other day
  17. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5D5ZeKuXB-/?igsh=MWpoOGV0dmtzYjc3eA==
  18. Ha. No. I didn’t know shit about cannabis before working there and barely had a year of hort under my belt prior to that.
  19. Our current method is shaving also with razors and I take more leaf off now-like that whole lower node and fan. I would cut that. as long as you have three nodes up top and 2.5 inch diameter of leaves up top you’ll root out just fine. we use clonex at work but our preferred rooting hormone is Dip n Gro There’s an ingredient in it that’s not allowed by DOH. or some shit. (They always say shit like that when they’re being cheap) ha wounding is tricky because you can easily wound too deep but it works sometimes you can gently ‘tap’ the razor in several spots and watch roots come out of each spot
  20. Three of us stuck about 2000 clones into rockwool today. Myself. Manager and supervisor. They were off doin man/super stuff in short spurts. I can stick a tray of 50 in almost 10 min. And my success rate exceeeeeeds my counterparts. During this event is the only time we are all in a room working together. Really the only time we talk. They were talking of our old SOP’s and how my drawings are in them. They might also pull these old drawing out for anyone we train for our propagation event. said drawings
  21. T’aint your pussy, t’aint your ass Is how is was taught what mine was. yes gender specific my girlfriend in Vegas does Brazilians on both men and women she told me what a gooch was
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