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Everything posted by pedoe

  1. rellerindos are the mexican ish
  2. its cause a good amount is east bay shit.. bump the east bay
  3. always wanted one of these. the colorful ones are a bit out of my price range though...
  4. pedoe

    leg bouncing

    lots of people do this, i do it all the time in school, mostly because im restless, especially in church
  5. people dont put shit away when theyre done using it.
  6. this flick alone deserves its own thread. bump the east bay
  7. in before the lock..which usually takes forever..and didnt you start this thread?^^ nice..
  8. crayos on the far left ftw
  9. contact the company...
  10. find all the hiding spots you can...problem solved
  11. dope ass flicks heart of oak
  12. pedoe


  13. taking a shower and cold water comes through to fuck it all up
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