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cunt sauce

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Everything posted by cunt sauce

  1. hmm, you sure know what gay people like, huh?? is it setting off your gay-dar? closet faggot.
  2. aw finally guys, we have something we can agree upon.
  3. Re: Fuck Papa Johns. i can't believe they hooked you up so proper!
  4. I agree that radical fundamental Muslims are evil people, But all fundamentalist religious types are. America invading another country thousands and thousands of miles away on a false pretext, occupying this country for years all while killing 104,000 civilians in the process is a terrible thing, and if you think otherwise you are just in denial. Try to be empathetic and put yourself in the shoes of an innocent civilian living there. Twin Towers being attacked, US occupation of numerous countries in the Middle East over the past 20 years. Its all the same to them.
  5. I hope you are just being sarcastic to annoy me. It really leaves a sick feeling in my gut to know that there are people in this country like you. Maybe YOU or your FRIENDS joined because you want to destroy Islam, but the reason why the troops are over there isn't to destroy the Islamic religion. We are there to secure oil reserves for the future. 13 May 1846 Manufactured border disputes used as a false pretext for the U.S. to declare war on Mexico. 15 Feb 1898 Sinking of the U.S.S. Maine used as a false pretext for the Spanish-American War. 7 May 1915 Sinking of the Lusitania used as a false pretext for the United States to enter World War I. Purportedly a luxury cruise liner, Lusitania also contained 6 millions rounds of ammunition -- a munitions cargo for Britain, making it a warship and a legitimate target for attack. 1 Sep 1939 Fake Polish intrusion into Germany used as a false pretext for Adolf Hitler to invade Poland. 7 Aug 1964 Gulf of Tonkin resolution used as a false pretext for the Vietnam War. 25 Oct 1983 Saving American medical students used as a false pretext to invade Grenada. 16 Dec 1989 A purported attack on a U.S. soldier by Panamanian forces used as a false pretext for the invasion of Panama. 20 Mar 2003 Weapons of Mass Destruction used as a false pretext to invade Iraq. Nearly every war America engages in is based upon a false or manufactured pretext to get ignorant idiots like you on board. How does it feel to accept everything you are told by your authorities, never questioning any of it? You should be ashamed of yourself you mindless fucking drone.
  6. mmm black beans, extra guacamole with all the salsas, fuck yeah!
  7. if the war in iraq was a humanitarian one why the hell weren't we in rwanda defending the lives of millions of tutsi's? 20% of the total population of that country was murdered. America should be waging a war on Diarrhea. Do you know that around 6,000 children under the age of 5 die of diarrhea every day? Saving their lives would be a lot easier, cheaper, and safer. Little to no Americans would die in saving these children from preventable disease. We wouldn't have to kill anyone to "save lives" either. Oh and do you know that more innocent civilians have been killed after US occupation than the amount killed under Saddam Huissen's rule? furthermore, we didn't even invade iraq to save the kurds, silly. we invaded iraq to remove WMD's from their possesion. there aren't any. lets get the fuck out. i can't believe there is still a debate about this.
  8. i hope you die at the hands of an IED you spineless piece of shit.
  9. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO mcdonalds is for poor white trash, and lazy people that don't give a fuck about their bodies.
  10. Re: Fuck Papa Johns. me being a self proclaimed "foodie" rubs people the wrong way. hence, i am abrasive. like sand paper
  11. Re: Fuck Papa Johns. because i am an extremely abrasive person you stubbly fucking twat!
  12. American Movie Triplets of Belleville City of God
  13. i agree and feel the same way, i even have a feminist girlfriend. yet for some reason i continue to watch porn nearly everyday. im kinda like the evangelist that takes meth and fucks gay prostitutes in a way
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCBZ96mVgGw&feature=player_embedded# tips from sasha on how to make your cum taste better!
  15. but downloading torrents is stealing........
  17. the truth about doc king http://martinlutherking.org/
  18. no stop it! stop annoying people more than me!!!!
  19. BEST ANIMATED FILM EVER. 24 frames per second!
  20. i am from wisconsin and you would try your best to put some blubber on your skin too if you had to live thru the harsh winters we have here! we're like bears, we hibernate.
  21. Re: Fuck Papa Johns. Translation: "don't listen to him guys!! i'm really smart and i am really eager to impress others on my precious 12 oz!!!" FAGGOTRY i love getting under your skin
  22. prop'd i have never seen so many burners on the lines with the absence of wack shit. the only thing unbiased about this thread was the fact that you wrote unbiased. hahahaha, dope shit none the less. that water tower tells me you are rather close to me in the state...
  23. alright what am i looking at here, i don't get it playin! but whats with them salami sized areola? whatevs, i'd still make them gargle my guy-goo.
  24. That's it until i visit up nort again...
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