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cunt sauce

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Everything posted by cunt sauce

  1. I would but I hand typed it straight from the book and I don't have the energy, time or will to go on retyping something that I have already read. I'm sure its at your local library. It's a good book, If you want you could read parts of it on Google books, I provided a link below. "The Teachings of B" are towards the back of The Story of B http://books.google.com/books?id=L6UmGqI9QG4C&printsec=frontcover&dq=the+story+of+B&hl=en&ei=ImVOTIPTI8WsngfUwp24Ag&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CC0Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false Many of the books you can preview on Google Books are still in copyright, and are displayed with the permission of publishers and authors. You can browse these "limited preview" titles just as you would in a bookstore, but you won't be able to see more pages than the copyright holder has made available. When you've accessed the maximum number of pages allowed for a book, any remaining pages will be omitted from your preview.
  2. Researching the gift economy reminds me of something I read a little while ago on a book that was a compilation and analysis of a hundred or so years of anthropological research. It got into how loving, peaceful, non-destructive (life-affirming as they put it) cultures and societies tend to always have a distinct set of characteristics, such as no heavy emphasis on private property or ownership, no division of labor, no divide in social gender roles or equality, no coercion of children by parents that is so often seen in our culture, no strong anthropocentric (the concept that human beings may regard themselves as the central and most significant beings in the universe) values, and their warfare wasn't an objective to destroy every remaining opposing life that didn't accept their way of life. War certainly wasn't glamorized and frequently happening in the average persons life as it is in our current culture either. How many conflicts that required the military has the US been in during the past 200 years not to mention the whole worlds history of war? Never was war as widespread and deathly in these indigenous cultures either. The point of all this i guess is to try and learn from these peaceful cultures (that is if you are against widespread violence and injustice), and to also learn about past atrocities that occur in our culture. You cannot prevent future atrocities without learning from our past atrocities. Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it right? Exactly. True communism would never place the means of production to sustain the lives of the mass of society in the hands of an elite few, the government. All revolutions failed in my mind because the leaders of the revolution were motivated by power over the people not power for the people. I think the only thing society can really hope for is a person or persons or group or widespread collection of informative groups like Jesus (as an activist, not the immaculately birthed son of god but a fighter against our civilization) to spread not only a human history lesson of our civilization, but also present that there is an alternative, happier communal, hell even tribal way of life that we could be living, and a means to leaving our civilization and go back towards our natural way of life living with nature, instead of above it, controlling every last bit of it. Live with the grain of the community of life not against it. I stress the Jesus thing because it needs to be led by someone who is not motivated by money or power. I think Jesus existed. All other mainstream religions recognize, even respect him. I just don't think he was the physical son of "god", I don't think (or at least I would like not to think) that he spread the promise of salvation, the after life. Because salvation was offered to the victims of our civilization in my eyes as away of rationalizing all of the injustices people face as a result of as our cruel culture of dominance. Why would a loving caring God let all these atrocities happen? Because this is just a build up to the next life, the good life, the AFTERLIFE. Complacency. Why rebel against the people holding me prisoner under this civilization when I have this great heaven to go to that has a set of rules against killing. It reminds me of my cannabis habit except substitute heaven for a bong rip. I am by no means suggesting that Capitalism is the only evil political system. I think all political systems are fucked and no vote will ever result in the rescue of the human species. Its all on us little people. Revolutions come from the bottom up not top to bottom. Yeah, but spreading the word would deem you as being an arrogant, preachy, hipster that hangs out at free-trade coffee houses and sympathizes and identifies with community activism efforts and if there's anything this website has told me, or i guess the culture at large has told me, it is that being a hipster is bad. Almost as bad as being an illegal immigrant, faggot or nigger. Or even a woman. :eek:
  3. also i am a highly experienced ecologist and i know where that kind of vegetation specifically thrives so now your spot is now known and will be exploited by me on the regular. expect to see trash, tips, paint spilled over rail road rocks in your domain in the near future, bud....
  4. just trying to give a pointer or two from an outside perspective: I think you might want to lay off these kind of trains for a while until you develop your craft a little bit further. Because Cryo trains and other reefers are highly desirable right now (because of the current trend), the crappy graffiti, hell even the good shit gets gone over in a heartbeat by other writers. Furthermore, because of their trendiness and the desirability for a flat white surface (containing perishables that have a high priority to get to their destination), Writers generally tend to be HIGHLY protective of them and may decide to punch out your fucking teeth out and take your bag. So why don't you leave them alone for a little while until you get better. And keep the freight painting peaceful and beautiful. I have been seeing things a little bit more clearly lately. Lots of self reflection, reading may have something to do with this. tweet tweet as sone would say.
  5. nmph and rigs feeding off each other that smooth connection style, heavy on the crispiness of lines. its dope. nice post too real abstract, and although i may be too young and toy to appreciate some of the older styles, i still like seeing it and learning from it.
  6. Forgot this... human nature? HA! only the nature of humans operating under this current culture of dominion of the world around us. History wasn't written until after humans settled and stopped their nomadic lifestyles. When one isn't living wild and they're sitting around waiting for crops to grow they have the opportunity to write. So much time went by this way the history-keeping people forgot that there was another way until they discovered indigenous tribes, who were deemed stupid savages, even though most indigenous cultures have some of the smartest people ever in terms of knowing how to really live like a Human. Think about it. Humans have been around for a couple million years and then 10 thousand years or so ago the evil culture, the current culture that acts in their "own greedy self interest", as you so wisely put it decided that we weren't going to live like real, wild humans anymore. We decided to live in control of other living things for our own self interest. And now look at what we are facing. The Population Growth Dilemma, Environmental Degradation, Economic Collapse (because it is a system based in expansion on a finite planet). All so we could have control of ourselves and the things around us. Not to sound condescending I am merely just trying to inform you of this, but did you know there are many indigenous cultures that have no words for what we call "Rape", "Suicide", and "Child Abuse" simply because these things did not happen in their culture? There is no reason to make a word for an act that doesn't exist. btw not trying to pick on you AOD, you are just my favorite person to argue with.
  7. I think what the guy was saying that an Economy based upon production is wrong. Economics originally meant management of one's home but its definition has been degraded to management of money. The only way I can sustain my life is by producing something for someone else. Service or working with things that require modern technological knowledge is the growing trend of work and life in America and other developed, fully industrialized countries, while textile, farming and factory work is left to our less fortunate fellow humans. The means to production are owned by an elite few and everyone has to serve them. I know what your thinking right now... "This guy is typing all this to me from the comforts of his apartment on a computer made in Thailand by a wage slave all while wearing sweatshop clothing from Honduras and Sweatshop shoes from Indonesia. All of these commodities were shipped to him from overseas because of Petroleum, which would not be possible to posses unless we went to war with countries like Iraq or sent Freedom Fighter death squads to countries like Columbia." But you see AOD (or any other potential haters), if I don't want to participate in the life that is our civilization, I will be wiped out. I will die. How long does it take to die of starvation, 60 days? I don't own any land! Furthermore Lets say I did own land, and I wanted to live like a nomadic hunter-gatherer type. I would not be able to sustain my life. There used to be so many passenger pigeons that flew over head that the sight of the sky would be near blotted out during migrations. They were exterminated by Commercial Hunting. Buffalo used to migrate in herds in the tens of thousands, but they were exterminated by the US Army in an act of genocide to destroy the Indigenous American land base. Salmon used to migrate for the great spawn in such a high population that the river ran silvery-pink not blue and now they are a critically threatened. You used to be able to drink water from streams and be a-okay, but now because of fertilizers, pesticides, synthetic and natural harmful chemicals, wastes from factory farms, just waste in general has rendered flowing water undrinkable in the name of Modern Economics. PRODUCTION. Even if I wanted to live a life pure to my morals I would in no way be able to, because It is impossible. And I think that's the most depressing thing, that the majority of human life is dependent on the very system that is exploiting them. How am I in any way a hypocrite in complaining about these cultural issues that face us, all of us and trying to promote awareness and possible solutions? I think I need to stress that when I say "The means to production are owned by an elite few and everyone has to serve them." I am not talking about the Illuminati, New World Order or any other retarded shit like that. I am merely talking about the owners of production in our industrialized civilization. There isn't some mysterious, evil, secret organization perpetrating these injustices on the majority of humanity. Its in our history, Its in our media, its right in front of our faces and looking back at you in the mirror. Its your average transnational corporation and its the government that protects them, because production and money are more important than love, life and humanity in this culture. I don't hate these people doing this to the rest of humanity though, they are just manifestations of out ill-willed culture pitted towards dominion, greed and objectification. We see this everyday in television (MTV, political commentary), music (think mainstream rap and pop-rock), movies (think action and war films). Positive redeeming behavior is laughed at and ridiculed all the time, while negative behavior is approved of and even encouraged through a rewarding system called MONEY. Think about your average 12oz-er for a moment. The majority of the participants on this forum view women as commodities to be exploited, any feminine quality to a man "faggotry" and most believe that as long as it makes pieces of paper and metal (I'm talking "money" here) move around, acts of unsustainable violence towards the natural world is justifiable. Am I really the only human being on this website that finds this Psychotic??? Through reflection upon our arguments in the "Ron Paul", "AZ immigration" and "Eating Organic" and all of the reading I have been doing in my absence from this ever addicting graffiti website, I have realized that Politicians, Consumer Voting (Vote with your dollar campaign), Recycling, "Renewable" Energies, Redistributing wealth through taxes and pretty much any program to reform our despicable Culture will be fruitless because our culture is immoral, unsustainable, destructive and downright evil. Also, programs to reform may possibly promote the false illusion that one is actually "saving the world", you helped me realize this one angel of death... We need a revolution of culture, consciousness and perception of ourselves and the world around us. Criticism of this post is invited by all and is highly encouraged. My close friends and I know I can be pretty impressionable when it comes to books, news, music and other forms of rhetoric so I would really, really appreciate the Opposing Viewpoint. If this offers a better perception of what I am thinking or where I am coming from, I have been reading a lot of Erich Fromm, Noam Chomsky, Derrick Jensen, Daniel Quinn and Vandana Shiva.
  8. instead of attacking the illegal immigrant i think we should attack the people that employee them.
  9. sorry man, interesting stuff to talk about, but i really dont have time right now,............. i will be back.
  10. Signs of distress 5000-3000 B.C. It was getting crowded. Think of that. People used to imagine that history is inevitable cyclical, but what I'm describing here has never happened before. In all of three million years, humans have never been crowded anywhere. But now the people of a single culture - our culture - are learning what it means to be crowded. It was getting crowded, and overworked, overgrazed land was becoming less and less productive. There were more people, and they were competing for dwindling resources. What happens when more people begin competing for less? That's obvious. Every schoolchild knows that. When more people start competing for less, they start fighting. But of course they don't just fight at random. The town butcher doesn't battle the town baker, the town tailor doesn't battle the town shoemaker. No, the town's butcher, baker, tailor, and shoemaker get together to battle some other town's butcher, baker, tailor, and shoemaker. We don't have to see bodies lying in the field to know that this was the beginning of the age of war that has continued to the present moment. What we have to see is war-making machinery. I don't mean mechanical machinery - chariots, catapults, siege machines, and so on. I mean political machinery. Butchers, bakers, tailors, and shoemakers don't organize themselves into armies. They need warlords - kings, princes, emperors. It's during this period, starting around five thousand years ago, that we see the first states formed for the purpose of armed defense and aggression. It's during this period that we see the standing army forged as the monarch's sword of power. Without a standing army, a king is just a windbag in fancy clothes. You know that. But with a standing army, a king can impose his will on his enemies and engrave his name in history - and absolutely the names we have from this era are the names of conquering kings. No scientists, no philosophers, no historians, no prophets, just conquerors. Again, nothing cyclic going on here. For the first time in history, the important people are the people with armies. Now note well that no one thought that the appearance of armies was a bad sign - a sign of distress. They thought it was a good sign. They thought the armies represented an improvement. After this point military needs became the chief stimulus for technological advancement in our culture. Nothing wrong with that, is there? Our soldiers need better armor, better swords, better chariots, better bows and arrows, better scaling machines, better rams, better artillery, better guns, better tanks, better planes, better bombs, better rockets, better nerve gas... well, you see what I mean. At this point no one saw technology in the service of warfare as a sign that something bad was going on. They thought it was an improvement. Signs of distress: 3000-1400 B.C. The next doubling of our population took only sixteen hundred years. There were a hundred million humans now, at 1400 B.C., probably ninety percent of them being members of our culture. The Near East hadn't been big enough for us for a long time. Totalitarian agriculture had moved northward and eastward into Russia and India and China, northward and westward into Asia Minor and Europe. Other kinds of agriculture had once been practiced in all these lands, but now - need I say it - agriculture meant our style of agriculture. War? The wars of the previous age were piddling affairs compared with the wars of this age. This is the Bronze Age! Real weapons, by God! Real armor! Vast standing armies, supported by unbelievable imperial wealth! Unlike signs of war, other signs of distress aren't cast in bronze or chiseled in stone. No one's sculpting friezes to depict life in the slums of Memphis or Troy. No one's writing news stories to expose official corruption in Knossos or Mohenjo-Daro. No one's putting together film documentaries about the slave trade. Nonetheless, there's at least one sign that can be read in the evidence: Crime was emerging as a problem. Looking out into your faces, I see how unimpressed you are with this news. Crime? Crime is universal among humans, isn't it? No, actually it isn't. Misbehavior, yes. Unpleasant behavior, disruptive behavior, yes. People can always be counted on to fall in love with the wrong person or to lose their tempers or to be stupid or greedy or vengeful. Crime is something else, and we all know that. What we mean by crime doesn't exist among tribal peoples, but this isn't because they're nicer people than we are, it's because they're organized in a different way. This is worth spending a moment on. If someone irritates you- let's say by constantly interrupting you while you're talking - this isn't a crime. This means you have to handle it yourself, whatever way you can. But if this same person walks onto your property and refuses to leave, this is a trespass - a crime - and you can absolutely call the police and have this person arrested, tried, and maybe even sent to prison. In other words, crimes engage the machinery of the state, while unpleasant behaviors don't. Crimes are what the state defines as crimes. Trespassing is a crime, but interrupting is not, and we therefore have two entirely different ways of handling them - which people in tribal societies do not. Whatever the trouble is, whether it's bad manners or murder, they handle it themselves, the way you handle the interrupter. Evoking the power of the state isn't an option for them, because they have no state. In tribal societies, crime simply doesn't exist as a separate category of human behavior. Note again: There's nothing cyclical about the appearance of crime in human society. For the first time in history, people were dealing with crime. And note that crime made its appearance during the dawning age of literacy. What this means is that, as soon as people started to write, they started writing laws; this is because writing enabled them to do something they hadn't been able to do before. Writing enabled them to define in exact, fixed terms the behaviors they wanted the state to regulate, punish, and suppress. From this point on, crime would have an identity of its own as "a problem" in our culture. Like war, it was destined to stay with us - East and West - right up to the present moment.
  11. do you want to see me naked? the pics are up on my flickr page......... take a peek 2uesday and riffffff..
  12. fuck america. with all the spoils of industrial civilization considered, america is the worst.
  13. VTS style fo sho, you can tell he paints wit dem...
  14. thats because conventionally produced tomates are picked when they are green, then shipped, then "ripened" with gas. its some frankenstein food.
  15. triple H. hometown hero heat
  16. Well, two raised bed gardens are in. I just transplanted the tomatoes, tomatillos, jalapeños, chilies, basil, oregano, onions and brussel sprouts in and I have mint growing in a large container (its highly invasive). All Organic and I intend to keep it that way. It was a little bit of work getting the 4 cubic yards of soil put in, but it didn't feeeeeel like i was "working". It felt good being outside in the sun and its pretty empowering to provide food for yourself. I think I read that $120 spent on seed and soil can make more than a thousand dollars worth of produce. Totally worth the investment, especially since I ENJOY being outside working the soil and watching my babies grow. Now that its all set up I only spend about a half of an hour a week tending to it. AOD: You should take a basic course in Ecology. Then maybe you would understand why people might decide to grow food organically. Conventional Agriculture is sitting in a pool of non-renewable fossil fuel that is drying up. Anyone who knows anything about Agriculture knows that our current system is completely dependent on fossil fuels in the form of pesticides and fertilizers, not to mention the transportation it takes to get produce from Central and South America to your local supermarket. I don't understand why I have to keep reiterating this for you. Please tell me what the alternative is, when you know conventional agriculture can't sustain it self. Also, You have such a deep hatred for agricultural tax subsidies yet you aren't even willing to grow your own food, or at least not support the major agribusinesses that are eating up tax dollars. Your hypocrisy and unwillingness to act in what you believe in reminds me a lot of your beef with Al Gore...
  17. I could name a few, but they have already been destroyed by Western Civilization.
  18. percocet* 40mg OxyContin with the time release coating scraped off is much better.
  19. So lets get this straight.. You heard from someone something negative about a writer that you've never met, so you decided to log onto the internet and share it with the world from the safety of the computer chair?
  20. so that settles it, NoDak has the best spot
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