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Everything posted by abcs

  1. A new Firefox extension released this past week for which IE to this point has yet to release security patches. (pretty sure) This is a module that enables you to hijack someone's Facebook, Twitter, ect session by using a packet sniffer to uncover unencrypted cookies from a wlan. You can get around it by implementing Firefox and another module called Fireshepard. I think i read somewhere that a couple hundred thousand people have downloaded this Firesheep hookup. I plan on playing with it when i get a minute. I dont really know much about it beyond what i've read. Not sure if this is limited to a current session or if it gives you a persistent cookie. I expect as soon as you hijack someones shit all you would need to do at that point is just change their password. So i'm not here trying to tell you guys how to get over... just how to protect yourself. Also if this has already been discussed disregard Abcs aquire Fireshepard
  2. 20$ tattoos you dont got to threaten to fuck anybody up. Its a foregone conclusion
  3. gasm watertower is superduty tough
  4. eating broth and noodles. Thinking about homework Looking at Wunderground. They talking about a great lakes cyclone thats going to blow thru the next day and a half. 70mph winds and shit
  5. way fresh. Who got the door space? actually besides the elmer i cant identify either of the other 2. Teck? ahahahah i swear... all yall hate one another. I have no recent reason to have any problems with anyboy. I come in here to look at flix, not say much, and laugh hysterically I do got a question tho. I went to a new dollar store that had a grip of these fan tip krylon hookups. I never really fucked with krylon that much to begin with but are those fan tip boys worth a dollar or will they just piss me off. I got a few. horizonally they spray a fat line vertically its a thin line but i'm not sure i could outline with them. Cans for fills only?
  6. now thats funny both them elmers the goods
  7. abcs

    Dear ________,

    dear benadryl, i'm not sure i can fall asleep without you. Shits about to be real annoying for a few days but i cant be dreaming about spree killing, hard drugs, jail and getting injured any more. Why cant you help me sleep and produce vivid good dreams instead. scooba
  8. well. a few things i got going on. First and foremost Im having problems with my homework. Its not really homework but my webserver isn't working. I started fucking with the httpd.conf file and now i cant even start it up. Im about to blow it away and start a new one.:confused: Secondly and more troublesome is my whole overnight situation that ive been dealing with. Its not sleeping... Ive been taking Benadryl to fall asleep with recently and this may have something to do with the prolblem. I have psychopathic dreams. Its really no good. In fact... its so disturbing that it fucks my whole day up.
  9. pozole fuckin a right i need to get down to lupitas
  10. really like the fill in that holy repost
  11. call me a sucker. I believe the tail. I dont agree with it but i believe and double vag... What man doesn't like options? jus sayin Oh and the 2 by da beach. The one on the left has serious ass for days and it makes it seem like the one on the right dont but shes would get it too. I like em both I feel like the tail is real. Why wouldnt she got that shit chopped off? How could you smash a girl with a tail? Fuck... the condom breaks and all the sudden shes having a damn litter and all of em got tails.
  12. what about a broad with a tail? would you smash on some of that? She could even wag the fucking thing. I seen it today in a pron website Or a broad with 2 vag. No shit she had 1 in the correct location and one right below her belly button. Dude was smashing both of em. heres links. DOUBLE VAG TAIL SMASH
  13. i have been known from time to time to ya kno... chat the tiny
  14. My school friend needed help with his homework. Said he would give me some party favors if i could help him out. In doing so I was reviewing for the test and he gave me a Dilaudid 8, a Roxycodone 30 and 2 stickbats.
  15. pretty much exactly what i think every time i land in this trainwreck
  16. Yesterday's Front Page Of USA Today Not sure if anybody else saw this but its relevant to the thread. Long story short Its crazy when you consider the scope of that article. It may reflect more serial killing victims than everybody pictured in this thread killed put together. They pick em up in 1 state and deposit pieces across the country. 459 over the last 4 decades
  17. you guys are way too interested in this shit
  18. that looks more like neighborhood kids that found some scrapcans
  19. abcs

    Dear ________,

    Dear Redeyedanimal. I spent some time in Wayne County Jail. (detroit) everydamn body in there claims to be cousins with meech. Its ridiculous abcs
  20. abcs

    Dear ________,

    Dear Doomsday. Instead of some pestilence hunger and disease a big painless flash and then nothing would be fine by me. thanks abcs
  21. abcs

    Dear ________,

    dear anybody whose teams going to the playoffs. fuck off abcs
  22. abcs

    Dear ________,

    dear 12 any of you pharmacists? legitimate ones? . Any of you work at a doctors office? I got some questions `abcs
  23. they shutting down the Lodge in both directions this weekend downtown
  24. hahahaha hell nah. that say poon? with a sideways face blowing clouds, a crown, and a pile of shit that says toy in it?
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