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Everything posted by abcs

  1. i worked with 12 jose espinosas all using the same fake green card that would say guey or way all the time. I asked about it and was told it meant bull. The context was explained to me and i believe it i guess but its really didn't make a whole lot of sense The only time i would consider hitting up a house is if it was way beyond repair and right on top of the freeway. sintex is a tool. As in being used for paint and spots. I personally would be embarrassed to have anything to do with him and thats really saying something considering some of the people ive surrounded myself with in the past
  2. went to finney for a year and a half go highlanders
  3. you know sleep problem people. If you go to bed every night at 9pm and set your alarm for 6:30 am and commit to waking up and not taking naps you will adjust. It will be annoying but eventually it will work. The first few days you will go all day on little sleep and because of it by 9pm you will be exhausted.. . Not saying this plan of mine wont suck but its the best solution. The alternatives arent so hot either. From there you can adjust it to what you want it to be. In bed by 11pm and up at 9 for instance
  4. next level top tip. instead of sugar crush up orange flavored adderal and add that to the pot
  5. aaaayo. I got this external drive in one of my classes. 320 gb. Its formated with NTSF. For this class I only need 20gb so i was trying to copy my music and other shit to the new drive but i cant for the life of me. It says the drive cant be modified. I cant create a new folder, cant copy pasta to the drive... I reset the permissions for the drive on my PC to full permission. I need to use NTSF as its being used for a couple virtual machines. Everything I want to copy to this drive media wise currently resides on an Imac. Is that the problem? Does this mac not honor NTSF? On the Mac after i reset my permissions to Full Control on the PC it still says read only. If so... how do i elevate privileges for the drive on my Imac? Seriously. I dont know what i want to kill more. The mac or the pc. Abcs about to go full blown nerd and step his Linux game up
  6. bad name drop watching that clip all i can think is RUN but then again Disorderly conduct beats fleeing and eluding and a pair of aces all day. at least in terms of consequences to deal with
  7. abcs

    Dear ________,

    Dear Blowfly I'm tired of this shit, remember the time I told y'all When I got burnt, gonorrhea Well this bitch, there's a new bitch goddamnit Ohh, bitch burnt me again with gonorrhea So I didn't get burnt one time I got burnt actually two times When you really look at it Yeah, I love the girl but I had to cut the bitch off -bags
  8. abcs

    Dear ________,

    dear mental health. :confused:Whats the fuck? abcs
  9. i dont mean to ride dudes nuts by any means but i can stare and his new productions for 10 minutes easy with absolute admiration. I feel funny sayin it. That shits profound
  10. my feeble attempts at internet stalking this girl failed miserably. I would probably post that bond. One of you portlanites should track her down. I got a good eye for talent
  11. forest porn. You must have found a dead one
  12. abcs


    so you can get 5 times drunker in a fraction of the time. The xanax sensation is very similar to alcohol for me. 1 bar = 22 oz 2 bars= 40 0z 3 bars= 6 tallboys 4 bars =8 beers 5 bars= a 12 pack. Only difference. I can drink a 12 pack no problem but it may take me 3 or 4 hours. 10 mg of xanax you can toss back in 2 seconds. And its just as easy to take 4 times that. At which point and i've been there and beyond i'm at the functional level of someone thats drank a couple cases of beer. You cant drink that much and live to talk about it. Ive heard of people overdosing on xanax but they had ingested quantities well in excess of 150 mg. You are just really really drunk. Stealing shit, starting fights, being an asshole, getting arrested, waking up in jail. If you could drink several cases of beer what else would you expect? When i have 6 beers and xanax i usually drink one... take a couple bars and the next day I still have 5 beers. I am not responsible enough to have any quantity of xanax. If i have 6 mg i will eat all 6. If i have 30mg when i finally snap out of it they will all be gone. I've gotten a lot better about it. I wont get them from a doctor. I rather buy them on the streets and get ripped off. Atleast that way i dont have bottles of 90-180 mg sitting around. That could cost me so much more in terms of money, time, freedom. I usually get 3 bars and leave it at that
  13. Ever since i started smoking weed as a pre adolescent i would forget shit constantly Developed a memory clause i run thru before i run out the door. It goes: Cash Keys Chronic Communication Those are the important ones
  14. to answer your question. Not that im aware of. I was joking about the picking but serious about noses in general
  15. good flowing straight letters
  16. girls with no ankles fuck me up too. That calf to foot shit with nothing in between. Man ankles or mankles for short
  17. bitch can have ass for days, nice eyes, a pretty smile but all i can focus on is that nose. It usually ends when i get to thinkin bout how sexy it would look if she started picking it out in the open. At that point its usually time to push on
  18. abcs


    if you think you have a drinking problem probably the first and best thing you could do is run out and get a couple xanax scrips.
  19. anybody else got nose interest? just curious. Sometimes i see a girl with a good nose and get really curious about whats good
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