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Everything posted by abcs

  1. stressin. Only person for me to talk to here has dementia. I just got done playing a 2 hour checker game...:what:
  2. Re: What are you doing right now? `making sure swords still alive `fucking around on this Cisco site and taking tests. `had to step away from all that. `about to make lunch and play dominos
  3. that dude huffs tough. Hes been arrested a bunch of times for doing it in public. Before i read about him I thought he was arrested at a football game or some shit.
  4. I didn't get no emails. I got no idea what you talking about. Whats up to me? im not the guy you meet up with and fight. Im the guy that breaks into your house while you sleep and steals all your shit. Ask somebody. Case closed if you got something to say Private message. Otherwise kick rocks actually second thought. ignore button. You making no sense. I dont really give a fuck what you got to say and with the click of a button i dont have to see it
  5. Nigga.... i show up at your work you wont do shit. Stop acting hard on the internet. How bout you save some face and let it go. Not even sure what you talking to me for anyways.
  6. I was actually talkin to maybeiknow.... but that condescending "junior" u felt the need to add wasn't necessary. If you got a problem PM.
  7. u always know im twisted back on stick backs when i come in here looking for people to paint walls with. Yea i took 25 miligrams since 8pm. If you guys were smart you would agree to mean up and run my pockets or some shit
  8. damn. I double tamped your trick ass umad?
  9. supposed to be nice today.... Thinkng about pushing the pink huffy into down.... so. anyone of you with 7 yearold beef that wants to settle up rest assured that i will give you a play. Anybody that wants to play chllspot thats cool too. Hit me on my phone or leave me a pm. Ill bring party favors
  10. i remember like 7 or 8 years back someone did stoner rolls on the center median dividers at 94 & cadieux... on the eastbound side.
  11. respect where respect due. army a decade fresh, sisto new systo flavor and straight letter porabs could beat up pretty much any dad... that and amo. edit whats that say iyestre?
  12. random.... I was cleaning out a closet today and found one of these things. It was a fuzzy leopard print one.
  13. wipin the cold out my eye seein whos this pagin me and why
  14. xanax and spraypaint isnt the best mix usually after the fact there are regrets
  15. some people got good letters and no flow others got no flow and good letters? Kosher got it right on that freight.
  16. the whole Dee is pregnant episode was high quality. Among my all time favs
  17. last weeks episode was good. this weeks episode was awful
  18. thats the guy that does hookups with el mac right?
  19. Not exactly thrilled about it either
  20. sure thing. My Dell was designed for Win XP. I didn't upgrade the graphics card but win7 works just fine. I just dont have some of the fancy Aero display features
  21. Check it out. Some mid 90s flix i never seen before. Link is broken sometimes tho
  22. that Loaf is nice. Narcos have no business in the Slaughterhouse. They care about drugs not trespassing. Im trying to think this out. The only way they should be able to charge you with trespassing is if it is a city owned property. Otherwise its the property owner who passes the judgement on wether or not they want to press charges. Supposing its not owned by the city which it may well be the owner probably wants as little attention from the building as possible. All the code violations and back taxes they would presumably rather let sleeping dogs lie. Secondly the building is open to the elements right? No signs, fences, nothing sealing the building whatsoever? 1 way or the other if the cops fail to show to court it will get tossed. Plead not guilty. Court appointed should do just fine.
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