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Everything posted by abcs

  1. that taurus is so much cooler than mine was. Yea baby. I backed into a tree and was too broke to get the back window fixed which was all well and good until a pool of water gathered back there and my car became a rolling mosquito nursery. Smelled like a swamp in that bitch
  2. westcoast adult hipster people + european people & msk retna I found this. Probably isn't news to anybody here as much as backstory.
  3. yea ghostdog. 8 vicodin and some syrup 6 weeks later is in no way gonna help you stay off dope. Just take a few benadryl and some ibuprofen.
  4. disregard pharmaceutical opiates acquire computer duster
  5. Ok. Considering the procession of the post i borrowed these from I say a definite smash on the one in the middle. That Tonic is like 5 minutes from where my people stay. Ive been tossed from that bar more times than i care to remember
  6. neg propping this colorful fancy post faggot
  7. Im a dogfishhead 60 minute man all day the 90 and 120 is a bit much for me. Hahahaha actually everytime i buy a 6 pack of the 60 minute i slip a 120 in for good measure
  8. This is the stuff. Im not sure what the APV is but i drink 2 of em and if feels like i just polished off a 6 pack of budweiser.
  9. thinking bout dropping the neg hammer on this guy for his fancy colorful text
  10. my xmas xanax is gone already I think i lost it. On second thought i lost xmas so i must have ate all of it
  11. wondering why the catholic church cant find a pope that doesn't look like a villain from a star wars movie bleached white nigga looks like hes ready to touch a boy at the drop of a dime
  12. ok now im wondering if the bad karma is erased and good accrued when you are getting paid
  13. ruminating. I was just taking a shower and forgot to lock the door look up theres grampa peeking in the curtain. Dude has dementia it wasn't on some pervert shit he just don't know any better about simple shit like privacy in the shower so I tell him to kick rocks. A minute later i peek out the shower and hes taking the lid off the toilet. He cant establish that the running water is in the shower instead of the toilet and he starts banging on it with his cane. I correct him and i think hes left this time. The door is shut but i look out there anyway and low and behold hes got his hand in the toilet bowl. I keep it clean enough but still and then he uses my towel to dry his hands off.
  14. tipping back the ass end of my last budweiser. Wishing i had enough sticks to sleep for the rest of the week. Thinking on dropping a few bills for a Xmas escort Considering calling the my dude with roxy hating the holidays Sitting here thinkin about how i hate a whole lot of shit but i like myself and trying to figure out how i fit in the big picture.
  15. abcs

    Dear ________,

    dear holidays listen to IOU Abcs actually just fast forward to new years. I got a date with a ball and some Grand Marnier
  16. i had an enthralling convo with him in TC the other day. He tried to call me out until i reminded him hes a grown ass man with kids who huffs computer duster. He tried saying something about oxy and i laughed some more. I think hes mad he cant afford anything beyond canned air
  17. this guy is sitting in prison somewhere and has no idea
  18. im such a star wars nerd. yea im grampasitting. dudes sleep. I get to visit my relatives tonite. The rich ones that that recognize me for what i am sweet huh
  19. well obviously i wouldnt have posted it if i didn't
  20. oooh thats crunchy i really got to say. Ive played around with whatever program that is. At least ive played with the one that comes free with microsoft operating systems and i dont have half the patience to do what you did there
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