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Everything posted by ms.seyer

  1. Dear oontz, Blah blah blah, and this is most likely gonna be my last post of 2011. Just putting in more for the record. See ya'll in '12 Chuuuz! -$eyer
  2. Dear oontz, Hope everyone is doing well. Cheers, $eyer
  3. Dear Lugrrrrrrrrrrrrr, Where have you been? We got some catching up to do! -seyz :D
  4. Dear Malin, Where have you been? We got some catching up to do! -seyerrrrr
  5. Dear Asthma Al, Nothing much just work work work. I'm working in the south bay now :( What have you been up to? -$eyer
  6. Dear BBOAT, We discussed this almost 3 years ago, what's mine is yours. You're already set on my will! You get to keep Trigger too if I die lolz -$eyoya0
  7. Dear pay day, YAY!! Putting up with bullshit is worth it! -$eyer Dear cali, Yes you can borrow $20. I'm dead serious too. -$eyer Dear Rolf, To answer your props comment, I've been working and going to school at the same time, while balancing life and managing a faulty relationship. Life is good. Where have you been? -$eyer
  8. Dear cali, I'm serious when I say you can borrow $20 haha I've been ghostin because I've been busy but I'm chillin tonight :D -$eyer
  9. Dear oontz, Turns out my new job has fuckin assholes for bosses. Your girl is used to mean ass people, but I figured out the reason why they were so desperate for someone to fill the position after they've gone through 5 receptionists in the last 7 months, cause they didn't like being a slave and being insulted for everything they do. It doesn't matter how much they try to hurt my feelings, it's just money baby. -seyseysey. Ps: I've always been ghost now on the oontz, so if you do have as a friend on fb just message or comment my wall or anything but if not shoot me a message here or something.
  10. Dear work, You're searing into my soul like acid and baby skin. Oh well, dollar signs dollar signs. -MS
  11. Dear Steezy, I know I can never relate to what you're going through with the loss of your grandmother, however, I know I soon will because my grandmother is not in the best physical and mental state. I know it may seem like a stretch if you're not a religious person, I'm not religious myself but I found sometimes it does help to have a little faith and pray. I'm sure your grandmother would want you to keep your head up and would like to see you live your life happy. Just promise us and most of all her that you wont let this feeling of unhappiness take you down, you can only keep going up after you've been through it all.. Hope you feel better girl and I'm all ears and eyes, Seyer
  12. Dear nbb, Well in that case, I will drink to that. -seyer Dear micah, I'm stuck in this area mayne! When are you coming back to the bay? -seyseysey
  13. Dear asian liver of mine, You're gonna take quite a beating this weekend for obvious reasons, hope you mind getting beat for the weekend =) -seysey Dear michahhawaiiiii, I see you lurking! Miss ya, let's get a drink sometime when you're out here or when I'm in your area! -seyseyyyyy Dear law firm, Please hire me as permanent already, I need to pay off a ticket, and I need the $ in general. I don't care if you're all the way in Palo Alto either. 2nd interview here I come. -seyoyayo
  14. Dear 12oz, Hi! Peeping in, seyer
  15. Dear red, That makes sense. Maybe I should try doing that more often, it would probably make me more interested. I am the total opposite, I'm pretty good with Geometry, I have no clue why but it just is easier for some reason. -seyer Dear SM, This is why I graduated highschool after taking two years of math. Geometry was my last stop, and algebra would have kept me there. Oh and you're not too old for FB since you're raising your child well! My cousin is something else. She rather pick getting shit faced on a random monday night with a man she met on craiglist rather than take care of her 13 year old daughter who is starting to become just like her. On that note, I can't wait to leave for LA Friday! -seyoo Ps: I'm not on fb for now, I will be back once the craziness goes away =)
  16. Dear !@#$%, Yes, math is my worst enemy. This is why I can't graduate yet, it's pretty sad. This is like the 3rd time I'm taking the same class, and with the help of the professor, and with tutoring, nothing seems to do the trick. I am pretty certain that I have a learning disability when it comes to numbers. And yes... people and especially my family are that dumb. This rowdy ass cousin of mine needs to know her place and when to shut the fuck up. -seyooo
  17. Dear algebra, You are my sworn enemy, and you are giving me hell this summer. -me Dear cousin, You're a total bitch, if you don't want people to see what's on your mind, then DON'T PUT IT ON FACEBOOK. Don't get all hurt because I read it and your step mom found out. Deleting me from your friend list isn't gonna do a thing. Try to re-add me, I dare you I'll block you from that shit. You're like 32 years old anyways, what the fuck are you doing on a facebook?! Shouldn't you be taking care of your daughter that you raised to be an asshole like yourself? Fuck you bitch I never liked you in the first place you fake boobed ass nigga. -MS.SEYER Dear LA trip, PLEEEEEASE take all these problems away from my mind for the weekend! I really need you to, you have no idea. -desperado Dear Luis, Where the hell are you? :( -gf
  18. :lol: in my worst days this shit still manages to make me crack up
  19. Dear southern californios, I will be in your territory from the 24th to the 26th. Please don't beat me up because I'm a Giants fan. I promise to not wear orange and black when I'm there. Thanks, Seyer
  20. Dear SM, hahahaha the baby has priceless facial expressions! He looks like he's ready to kick someone's ass in the first pic, and in the second one he's like "wutchu lookin' at bitch?!" Hope you had a good birthday week! -seyer
  21. Dear grd, The best thing you can do is just be there for your dad and make sure that the staff there takes good care of him. I wish him a recovery. Don't fall apart now. -seyer
  22. Dear depression, Oh I see you've met ATWW and RUNINE. Keep in touch. -sleyo
  23. Happy Belated Birthday SM! Keep it reeal!
  24. Dear Experimental Psychology paper, Ok I get it, you're the last and final paper of the semester, but why can't you come easier to me this time. Experiment proposals are not fun, and I don't really see why I need to write this if I don't have to actually conduct the actual experiment. I would rather have taken a 150 question in class test. So here I am half way through the paper at 2:22 am, taking breaks after finishing a page. I guess you can say that the nap I took earlier helped, but that was just accidental. I feel comfort in the fact that I am not the only one suffering during finals week, and that this will be done within a matter of hours. Killing me softly, Dr. Seyer
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