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This is my name

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Everything posted by This is my name

  1. Good sites. I am on one of them. Search google, that can always help you. This is a goos site with some good photos: http://www.lostintimeproductions.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=c08c1effebb577714cfd4909e4a4c2cf&action=gallery
  2. How did they get up there??? Anyways here is my picture to contribute: Boston Hey Look Its NEKST VISIE and TRUE ...from the D30 crew!
  3. I experience that if I play before going to bed. Kind of annoying. I just keep on playing in my mind, making new rows and completing sections, seeing how the peices fit together etc.
  4. I can always seem to get one side but I dont know where to go from there...
  5. At first glance it looked like horny white girls.
  6. Good response and good points brought up; especially the 30 years of technological advances. One things I do have to say, is that I am fairly confident, that no matter what is causing the world to currently heat up, that scientist in the next 30 years will find something to reverse the effects of global warming drastically. How? I don't know. But I am sure they are currently working on it, and technology only continues to get better. Right now I drive something that gets around 12mpg, if I could get the same power/comfort/size for the same price I currently paid, I would. But until prices come down and they make trucks/suv's that still have good power and mpg, I will stick with my truck, not a hybrid. Also, If anyone has been reading info on Dubai, they are going to be the first "all green" city. They are plans to get rid of all cars and travel. Plan trees everywhere and get rid of fossil fuel use completely. This is all despite the million of gallons of oil currently in reserve in Dubai, surrounded by oil dominant countries. If I were to invest a lot of money, I would invest it in Dubai... but that's another whole discussion.
  7. I didn't read anything except for the first post (but, yes I will later when I have some time), but here is what I have to say: The same scientist that are predicting Global Warming (or should I say warning) now, are the ones that were predicting Global Cooling 30+ years ago, and they said we were going into a Ice Age... there are some that still beleive the later theory, I think it was from Discover Magazine or something a few years ago. It said we were going into a possible "little ice age." I'll see if I can find that article.
  8. Fun game. Somewhat different from the older ones (I think I only played up till 3 before that).
  9. Re: cant locate rollers thread..??? This is the funniest picture
  10. More security... even when I paid and the card didn't work and I went to jump over they stopped me. Got into an argument how I just paid for it, said I was wrong. Scanned the ticket over at one of the ticket dispensers and the guy realized I was right and let me through.
  11. Boston accents are wicked cool, what are you talking about...
  12. Wow, that looks really good! Keep up the good work (to whoever did that train).
  13. I just saw that the other day. Worth the $?
  14. Re: Maine Funk More of my own photos This is a pretty funny one... beef anyone? Another artistic type of photo:
  15. Re: Maine Funk All of the following pics are my own, if you take them, give me some credit. New train rolled into the "local" layup Thanks.
  16. Good boston stuff in there... got a bigger pic?
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