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Everything posted by OL'DIRTYGeEEZER

  1. mark ecko was on this forum...please tell me some told him to stop exploiting us or some shit....
  2. holy shit i lol'd at this...props
  3. iono why but i think she looks hideous in that pic...
  4. i always wondered if this fool tailor made was actually succesful n rich n shit...cuz if he was..why the fuck would u go on this show?
  5. yup..in hayward righ now and at 4 00 am yesterday the wind was fucking killin shit...
  6. hey..i lived in union city for a while...and the cops vary...fremont cops aint got shit to do so theyre the asshole cops around here....
  7. damn thats sad...you guys think he has a face under there?...cause surgery is gonna be hard as fuck if that shit ate at his skin...my bad if it already says in the article i couldnt stand lookin at the pics for too long..
  8. i voted for her....but tits would be greatly appreciated.
  9. aye hayabusa wat games u trynto play online...im hella lonely bein the only ooontzer on ps2 online....
  10. that shits hilarious....sounds like they fucken recorded it in their room n shit... this dude should not be called a lyricist...he is just a lame ass controlled by the record execs to bring a new fad....he is horrible
  11. uhhh! i hate my fuckin dsl...i get like 2 mbps and i cant even watch streaming vids cuz the fuckin internet is too slow.....can i make the shit go faster? i tried calling tech support but they dont help at al...
  12. ^^^that shit has me confused cuz...if will smith did it then why didnt he put a bag or some shit like he did with the first one....but if the darkseekers did it then how the fuck would they be so organized when they lost all human characteristics....confusing shit..i need to know the answer holmes
  13. i just came back frum paintin....i thought that shit would make me exausted enough to sleep...wrong answer..im bouta oontz the night away
  14. WOW...i seriously dont know why i read that whole thing....wow...
  15. i just came back frum watchin hte movie.....the fuckin movie was amazing...i loved everything about it...i got so into the movie that when Samantha died it hella shook me (/nohomo)...i give it a 9.5/10...
  16. ^^^yeah same here...but i tried anyways...if i win i dont even need the money...we're all family here.....a big disorganized, multiraced, not-related-at-all-cuz-glik$-is-banging-vaj-so-that-would-be-wierd, oontzing family.....
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