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the graff giraffe

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Everything posted by the graff giraffe

  1. yeah i don't believe in ghosts. but it's pretty ignorant to pretend like you know shit about outer space and what may or may not be living out there.
  2. haha the one on the left would have to be standing on a big box for this to work
  3. nigga got confuzzled on his sick highlights
  4. haha so that's what the dad on coraline is always doing on the computer. oontzin'
  5. yeah but if the first person posts the link then urrbody else doesn't have to type it in. then ultimately more people are listening to what the OP posted.
  6. i've honestly been looking at porn on the interwebs since i was about seven. We were the few people around my neighborhood that had internet at the time. but the foot fetish haha what the fuck
  7. stylism-nice drawings mon. you could make a legit illustrator
  8. i hate it when people just post album pictures. am i really gonna fucking youtube that shit? not really. but am I going to click a link to check something out? yes. so post youtube links if you want to actually share things
  9. if the vid is laggy as fuck, then turn hd off. just fyi
  10. if you can't remember someones name, ask them how their name is spelled.
  11. yeah guy appears to be a doucher. at least a lot of people will enjoy your painting
  12. hahahaha trooper not faggoty at all. "an intense brawl" sorry for reposts or fucked up links
  13. i loled a bit when he said swear to god
  14. i don't what think in i always thought about wasnt even funny as that obama that
  15. gonna grow up to be a useless piece of shit i bet. just like the parents
  16. this is the new 12oz. it's either hateful faggots neggapropping for no reason. or people posting retarded irrelevant pictures and getting propped.
  17. well even if that last one is irrelevant. it's ferocious macadocious
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