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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by KILZ FILLZ

  1. (The one with the tags wasnt legal.) hit me up if you come thru ralphy


    Wonder if my room mate will give me a deal for his wii before he moves out NH
  4. lookin like a lawn mower rolled over the top of his head ass mother fucker GET HIM lookin like he cant grow a full ass mustache lookin ass mother fucker GET HIM t shirt with his own name printed on the front beggin for some attention ass having mother fucker GET HIM feminine ass bracelet trying to hide is narrow ass wrist ass mother fucker GET HIM bernie mac crooked ass eye havin ass mother fucker GET HIM simon cowell baby gap t shirt wearin ass mother fucker GET HIM
  5. ^^^ dude is mad under-rated saw him up all over when i backpacked in 07 edit- in reference to comments on the last page


    marvel vs capcom 3 footage from e3 deadpool!
  7. who hangs out at their ex's place? /bitteroner
  8. 3rd from the top is my favorite
  9. Think most of them know they have shit tattoos? I mean they gotta know........right?
  10. ralphy gotta come down here for this show chck that link
  11. os gemeos gonna be there too? awww shit
  12. damn i didnt even realize there was no tongue on those! how do they feel?
  13. i used to have A LOT more but sold most of them at the swap meet when i was unemployed. modest collection now. most of the hats i post in here i dont actually buy. although i would like to. blurry pic my bad the powder blues only get worn during football season when i got my jersey on. and the F151 with the strait razor is a size too small if anyone wants to buy it. i can post better pics of it.
  14. hes already been outted he was trying to scam some people http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=135461
  15. id pass on both hats at the bottom of last page i fuck with http://www.ecapcity.com/ http://www.hatclub.com/ and a few others that kinda suck waiting for this one to arrive
  16. thats fucked up you would even know this
  17. Re: Dear ________, - no homo thanks mud and the two others who PMd me i sincerely appreciate it
  18. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Yo, I want to punch a puppy in the face today. I can't decide if I'm angry, sad, worried.... I guess depressed. Shitty news yesterday followed by a shitty night due to horrible news. Followed by working on my Saturday while not being able to concentrate due to horrible news. Looking forward to more horrible news after i get off work today and go ____. Fuck this shit. Fuck this shit. Fuck...... I VERY want to dive into some drugs right now to get this shit off my mind for a bit. But then I would be totally fucked when i get drug tested at work and lose this gig. I think I'm just gonna get very drunk tonight so atleast I can sleep and maybe have some laughs. Drink to forget the bad and remember the good as they say. If anyone read this, just know you're the only one I've mentioned this to, even though it's very vague. I feel so much weight on my shoulders right now...
  19. $44 ea. at the outlet why does iphotobooth automatically reverse pics?
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