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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by KILZ FILLZ



    Seems like every year these studios are fucking up and another studio has to take over at the last minute to save it, and that’s the narrative to explain an incomplete AAA title. Over and over. greedy cucks need to switch to a two year cycle instead of this every Xmas BS


    @Kultsbo1 prequel. Calling it!
  3. @Kults what’s Shudder? I haven’t heard of that one , only know the s king creep shows
  4. It depends on what you like a lot of practical effects and prosthetics gets more cheesy as the seasons progress the story telling is still cool tho because they’re from comics
  5. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12332682 NZ ‘bans guns’ in 2018 after that live streamed mosque shooting in 2019 NZ had their most gun related deaths in a decade city councilor quoted in article says problem might be “gangs” so, make guns criminal, only criminals have guns. who coulda thunk it? 🤷‍♂️


    Hardhat is back, and it’s meh
  7. I mean, I guess if nothing else they are proving to me how hard it would be for someone to hijack my acct 😝 @NightmareOnElmStreet
  8. you guys have Spartan Races and Tough Mudder etc in Aus?
  9. the Geedis costume stays ON during sex
  10. @mortonhit me up if you find a reason to head out this way once everything’s opened up
  11. Moving quote to this thread as to not bog down the accomplishment thread so thanks for the info, this the same on mobile? I was getting a pop up for browser incompatibility at the point of ID picture and selfie for identity verif. Probably is, unfamiliar with what exactly JavaScript affects but man, these suckers are yanking me around. They send me an email saying my identity verification is complete, and I can now log back into my acct but when I do, it just sends me in the same fuckin loop of asking for google Auth, which was on a phone I no longer have. go to r/CoinBase and see this is a prevalent issue. Google CoinBase lost Authenticator phone and see it’s a prevalent issue. any experience from you or anyone you know on how to get in contact with their support? I haven’t received any response to the emails I’ve been sending them the whole time I’ve been trying to unfuck this debacle. also- is CoinBase still the one to roll with? Or when I get access to my shit should I just move the coins to another service? There a better one out there?
  12. Merged BTC HALVING convo with existing thread
  13. Been sitting on this since thanksgiving
  14. These stim checks are hitting right while we are saving for a wedding. Bring it on, Trumpy!! Lol
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