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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by KILZ FILLZ

  1. Bars and breweries are allowed to open now but only if you buy food this is the meal that came w my beer for a cool $0.25 😎


    My recommendation is to get something used from a local bike shop. you can get some absolute steals like this. Then, -your cost of admission is super low (couple hundred for a bike vice $1k) -you have a relationship with a local shop right out the gate and some where to go for any repairs/issues/questions -you will be sure to get a bike that’s your correct size -support local business to answer your question, dual suspension unnecessary unless you’re getting into some gnarly shit, which it doesn’t sound like you’ll be doing at all since you’re calling yourself a noob. Look for something with suspension fork and disc brakes and you should be money. don’t go cheap on a helmet if you’re gonna be on trails. Set aside $100+ for one and wear it every time you’re out. have fun


    I’ll shoot you an add too @+plus+ also max rank and bp but down to get some games in


    Mw S4 and cod 2020 delayed indefinitely
  5. I learned about this yesterday on a podcast and started digging. Never heard of this term before but was vaguely familiar with the idea and have seen photos of stairways leading to walls, doors leading to nothing and maintained objects that serve no real purpose (hand rail where there are no stairs from skating days). Going to be posting what I find in the wild and anything especially interesting I stumble upon online. ——— About — Thomasson or Hyperart Thomasson (Japanese: Tomason トマソン or Chōgeijutsu Tomason 超芸術トマソン) is a type of conceptual art named by the Japanese artist Akasegawa Genpei in the 1980s. It refers to a useless relic or structure that has been preserved as part of a building or the built environment, which has become a piece of art in itself. These objects, although having the appearance of pieces of conceptual art, were not created to be viewed as such. Akasegawa deemed them even more art-like than art itself, and named them "hyperart." In recent years there has been a resurgence of interest in Thomasson, especially since the publication of Akasegawa's work on the subject in English in 2010. Origin of the term — The term Thomasson comes from the professional baseball player Gary Thomasson, who was signed by the Yomiuri Giants for a record-breaking sum of money, and spent his final two seasons with the team (1981–1982) coming close to setting the league strikeout record before being benched. Akasegawa viewed Thomasson's useless position on the team as a fitting analogy for "an object, part of a building, that was maintained in good condition, but with no purpose, to the point of becoming a work of art." In Japanese there is no differentiation between singular and plural versions of the noun Tomason, therefore in English too, Thomasson can refer to one or many of these objects. In English, the term is sometimes spelled Tomason, or Thomason.
  6. Oh ya I know. It’s the pattern in the first post of this thread. I’m just not about flying any flags of anywhere
  7. Philippines running what looks like a modern version of US experimental “T Block” camo. Designed to break up a silhouette in an urban environment. Odd choice for a nation made up of hundreds of small islands full of people living in barrios
  8. After the activity being so close to WH on sat, I highly highly doubt pres and family staying in WH for sun. I would wager they were in a penthouse somewhere other than DC or camp David. Af1 has Midair refuel caps too so they could be sleeping in that thing last night. I don’t see secret service letting them stay there but what do I know
  9. How the fuck has the president not addressed the nation yet? I was watching protesters start fires in the park in front of the White House last night as cops/secret service were firing tear gas at them. Like 200 yds from the White House. this is so nuts the George Floyd protests are happening in other countries apparently too. London, Berlin, Iran, New Zealand are just the ones I’ve seen shown
  10. Respect to this medic I just saw on the feed from MPLS
  11. I was expecting to see the vaults clearly outlined, but nah. there were a ton of citizens out cleaning debris, boarding windows of business and buffing the anti cop graf
  12. Our railroad museum is on fire!! 😭
  13. Mayo Guard rolling thru burbs lighting people on their porches up with gas
  14. None of our local news channels are airing anything... one is playing despicable me For fucks sake these are what’s going on right now. First pic is a grocery and second pic is a sporting good store. Police station was on fire earlier r/SanDiego is providing more current into that our news stations
  15. Torched cars and looting in San Diego tonight was stuck in grid lock earlier today because protestors shut down Frwy 8 East and west directions Based on the AM radio news channels things are still escalating here
  16. Even the Amish out supporting and being active 👀
  17. Yea I used to listen in bed at night. Lazar and Lier eps stand out in my memory
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