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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by KILZ FILLZ

  1. reminds me of the jacket that’s said : Riding a tidal wave of whiskey, on a surfboard made of regret
  2. Haha yep exactly. Curious little fuckers. I’ve never had cats before but those videos you may have seen where they just intentional swat shit off of tables and counters are real shit lol
  3. Thanks I use that one for holding our sunglasses. Things fucking heavy. 5 lbs of glass easy
  4. here are a couple cigar ash trays I’ve been able to snag and a mug from a playboy club
  5. +1 railroad shit i also enjoy keeping an eye out for unique coffee mugs ashtrays are another item I keep an eye out for. Usually the larger ones for cigars. Great for coins.
  6. These types don’t think more than one step ahead lol. Just saw this thing last time I moved. Still hasn’t been worn once. Terrible impulse buy.
  7. Gemini, exodus, Trezor. Have you seen the Gemini app? Try it using my code and we'll each get $10 USD of Bitcoin. https://gemini.com/share/nw7el5c9
  8. Ridge on the horizon is mexico 🇲🇽
  9. op created this thread to discuss moving to tx thread was split into a separate topic for what’s currently going on in Texas. Moved to news so members can get into the politics if they wish.
  10. Wish I had some pics used to live in apt that had these outlet blank offs in random spots on the walls. Not around ground level where an outlet would be, but like midway up a random wall, or like 18’ below the ceiling. Never opened one up to see what the deal was. Just figured they used them to cover up holes in the walls where they were fishing wires through or something. edit- almost forgot! Same place had a random small ass skylight in a very odd spot between the living room and kitchen. Pop corn ceiling to the left and right of it scraped away in a straight line. Figured there was a roof leak that instead of correcting they just bored out and installed this small odd skylight and then scraped away the popcorn on the ceiling to hide the water damage. Skylight was about a 10’ circle.
  11. Snippets of convos while taking a dump at work >
  12. I went thru a full 8x11 moleskin and it was great. Once I needed a replacement I rolled with one on Amazon that’s similar to the moleskin. The binding is no where near as solid as the real deal. Cover, paper, and features are all pretty much on par. I already see that binding failing on me though.... still... vastly superior to clipboard / contractors clipboard or any other system I’ve tried.
  13. I carry a day planner with me everyday all day at work. Once I started using one to write notes and keep track of everything it made my working life so much easier. moleskin makes some but they are the Gucci shit https://us.moleskine.com/planners/daily-planners/0101-2 Amazon has cheaper alternatives but I’m not liking the quality.
  14. Don’t mean a thing if you don’t got the key
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