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Everything posted by KM4RT

  1. METH: the latest fat loss craze. you will see guaranteed results in less than 2 months. Meth users have already achieved great results (see picture). You can get Meth from many street corners in one of the shitty neighborhoods in your city. METH - LOSE WEIGHT NOW!!!* *Meth may have slight side effects including erratic behavior, sleeplessnesses and bad hair cuts.
  2. NERONEZ = NOOB 6 bills = $600
  3. im doin a number 2 in the toilet watching this. its like shit goes in and shit comes out. laptops ftw.
  4. i thought it said aussies 4 anal.....and i thought this is right up my alley
  5. i had the worst fucking chicken burger ever just then. its 6am and i haven't slept in about 40 hours. and a shitty chicken burger is a bad way to start the day. shit it didn't even have cheese on it.
  6. im 19. well im really 29, but in a vain attempt to recapture my youth i started doing wack graffito tags and thus joined 12oz.
  7. Re: Top 5 12ozers You Don't Like shit.....i cant believe some1 hasnt mentioned me
  8. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread
  9. Re: Hot Little Girl from Disney's High School Musical movie....nude its legit, but this seem to be the only pic
  10. you know how to make krink. im in love /no homo
  11. why does everyone in that picture have a bicycle in what looks like the middle of a desert with giant people statues
  12. epic like this hole in the ground
  13. i will so fly over to the windy city to prove you wrong. :D
  14. dealer runs away, chuck tricks another dude and shoots him in the face, that gotta hurt. pimp delaer has a pussy gun, but he shoots at chuck, and he realises he has a pussy gun. chuck rolls dodges bullets, and blows away the dude from like a 100 yards. dealer still movin bout to hit the girl wit a hammer....chuck turns up shoots him in the back and saves the day. dead dudes everywhere, warehouse looking like WW2. the po po turn up. chuck carries the hot girl out (presumably to fuck). he touches her face, and kisses her. the ambulance takes her away. a cop with a dope moustache starts dribblin shit to chuck, they gets in a car and drive off into a smoke filled skyline away from the docks with a bangin basseline in the background as the credits start rollin...........
  15. *suspenseful music* chuck kills a lot more guys, robot starts talkin, its like they are tag team, *quiet* someone sneaks up, chuck goes BOOM shotty to the face, now he has a dope silver magnum, standoff with dealers, a dude in a suit thinks he's the shit,
  16. oh shi...he just rolled up at the docks. hes got a robot called prowler, and it shoots stuff. and he just used it to blow the fuck out of some mexican dealers. and now he's in a warehouse with a shotty (like the poster above), and he's killin people, and the tied up girl just gave him a look that says "untie me and i will fuck you and have your babies". the robot is back, its got dope guns, it just blew up half the warehouse. chuck just blasted a few more dudes, and prowler is blowin shit up left right and centre, mexicans are gettin fucked up.
  17. ^ that shit is HOT. i would sooooo masturbate right now, but im watching a chuck norris movie........maybe in the next ad break.
  18. its late here. but there is some sort of dope film featuring chuck norris and he just used his car to fuck up the bad guys and managed to jump away at the last second before a huge explosion. and now he is on the fone, and he's all bleeding and shit. and his just stole a cop car and now there's some hot chick tied up being fucked up by mexicans....yo this shit is enthralling. <ad break>
  19. alright sorry man. i was just sayin as i had a similar problem recently. if you havent yet try your usb drive on a diff comp as it might be stuffed
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