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Sleeping Pills

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Everything posted by Sleeping Pills

  1. "Nowadays the Web seems awash with videos of police using Tasers on people for reasons that are not always immediately clear. The most famous is the 2007 video of a student screaming, “Don’t Tase me, bro!” as police repeatedly shock him at a political event."
  2. I think that's my ipod! /pointless
  3. Who just saw that? The ducks need to take off their fucking visors before they start throwing elbows and fists. That whole organization is a piece of shit. And Corey Perry needs to get his throat cut.
  4. Re: COMPLIMENT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU - no homo You're the reason I came in my pants just now....
  5. I know, late. You touched a little bit on our generation and the previous one which raised us.. societal movements, culture changes.. http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=815162n Pretty interesting. Edit: That video is 37 seconds long. Epic fail. You might want to just read that article - it's basically a narration of the video. Fucking cbs.
  6. I just said 7 because I am one for climaxes, but you are right. Once the dicks start playing the actual game I'll have some respect for them.
  7. Can someone tell me what happened in the caps OT? I know they just won, but what happened????? Crazy???? And i'm going for caps next game, and chicago tonight. Although I was rooting for the nucks in the beginning of the series. I haven't been following the Boston series but I'm going for them too.
  8. DAMN you are such an asshole, but i FULLY AGREE WITH THIS THREAD
  9. yeah i thought that part was bullshit too. "A well-circulated myth is that the candiru is capable of swimming up the stream of urine in mid-air to a victim standing on shore or a boat. This is physically impossible as the maximum swimming velocity of the fish is opposed by the downward velocity of the urine stream, and the further impossible act of the 5–14 mm wide fish maintaining position and thrust within a 2–7 mm wide column of fluid. They are also probably not attracted to urine as commonly thought." anyway, i'm not fuckin with south america.
  11. shit mang... i've been sleeping on the rocky movies.
  12. you dance with stars man? what kind of weed are you smoking? can i get some?
  13. i am addicted to crystal meth and morphine.
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