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Lesbian Fisting

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Everything posted by Lesbian Fisting

  1. Fuck what the internet says. What do the streets say? Not shit. Bigmack's stack, that Celm and Obsoe.
  2. You dont do shit. Step aside.
  3. Speakin of, I saw a line full of 60 foot Conrail flatsides covered with Sicr, Leder and Sours on my way home frome work tonight.
  4. Krylon Ultra Flat Black. Cinnamon buns. Airplane cabins. That cheap department store perfume my babcia wore, may she RIP. Brazilian febreeze.
  5. Obsoe Aloha FLickr jacked. "Strange things are afoot at the Circle K."
  6. Is that the movie the clip is from? Ive always wondered what it was.
  7. Awesome pics. Israel looks beautiful. Visiting is added to my bucket list.
  8. Stupid toy breakin into boxcars and smashing crates to find religious relics. Makin the yard hot for the real heads.
  9. I sw it heading through the middle of know where south carolina at 545 in the morning last week.
  10. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aeFVNYQpByU4
  11. Woem Lords Obsoe Tride Syke Yors
  12. no more than 3 days straight
  13. The Captain. 4ft male ball python. Rudy. Pit/lab/rottie.
  14. http://www.livenation.com/edp/eventId/409974 Motorhead, Reverend Horton Heat and Nashville Pussy. 9-11 at the Fillmore. See you fucks there.
  15. Went to Myrtle Beach for the 4th. Its tradition. Woke up and made an epic breakfast sandwich. Toasted rye, mozzarella, pepperoni, turkey, bacon, hummus spread. It was a beautiful day. So many assholes out at 9am. I was one of them. Water was primo. Commenced the drinking promptly at 10am. Sat on the beach drunk all day. Ran into a kid I went to high school with. He lives down there doing construction. He took us over to his place. Had to ride in the back to blend in with the locals. Riding in the cab with a seatbelt is a major faux pas in South Carolina. Smoked weed out of this contraption. Joe Camel holding down the Camel City. Went home and grilled dinner. Fire works started. I was sitting on Omaha Beach, May 7th 1945, just getting shelled. Proud Americans. So proud they showed their tits for America upon command. Consumed more. It was one of those days where I couldnt get anymore fucked up, I could only maintain my level. Ate myself.
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