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Lesbian Fisting

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Everything posted by Lesbian Fisting

  1. Just my photo dump of what rolls through my way. Ill update this thread as I catch more and put them on my Flickr. Feel free to PM for unwatermarked originals.
  2. MOMS freights, Brown and Aloha.
  3. Truth. Just because its not up on the internet doesnt mean its not out there.
  4. I bet he got snitched on. Too many rats in Raleigh.
  5. http://www.fox8.com/wjw-reincarnation-txt,0,1190900.story This shit creeped me the fuck out.
  6. I wish I could have put those Earth loving faggots 6 feet inside of it.
  7. Bump that Gufe. Obsoe and Aloha, NC heads on the move.
  8. Went back to the block. These dudes did a Rage Against the Machine cover. They play every Monday at the bar down the street for open mic night. Bass player is a god. Since it was a bunch of lame ass old hippies, I felt I could have a smoke where I please. So I did. Shit shut down, so we migrated back to the stoop. Played Wii. Im pro at golf. Fuck bowling. Went to a party. Cops came, so I walked up the street to a Jenga game. Hit up JJs on the way home. Only place open that late. Got kicked out for filling my water cup up with soda. Then I fell asleep.
  9. Skated to the store to get a slush. There was actually a block party going on. Ran into my homie and her dog. I fucking hate hippies. HATE. There were so many. I thought about blowing myself up for Allah. Since I didnt have a dirty bomb I got drunk. I havent found this beer in the States until then. I felt it was my duty to the Reich to drink as much of it as possible. Nine later I got the drunk munchies and skated back to the house to prepare a feast for the gods. Cajun corn. Bush's Baked. Burgers and potatoes. FEAST.
  10. bump anyone doing the damn thing. bump pabst.
  11. This is what happens when black people try to nerd.
  12. KOC e2e and that Isto Sicr Fowl
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